Chickpeas - Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

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Chickpeas - Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Nutritional Value, Vitamins
Chickpeas - Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

Video: Chickpeas - Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

Video: Chickpeas - Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Nutritional Value, Vitamins
Video: ✅Nutrition facts of Chickpeas|Health benefits of Chickpeas|how many Calories,Carbs,Fiber,Protein in 2024, October


Chickpea is an oriental legume crop known around the world today. In India, you would be offered dishes made from chickpea flour. In Italy, according to the recipe, special cakes are made from chickpeas - farinats. In Arab countries, chickpeas are called hummus and they prepare a dish of the same name from it, and they also make falafel from it. In Turkey, he goes to the preparation of the national delicacy - leblebi. What is the calorie content of chickpea and how, apart from taste, is it useful?

The nutritional value Serving Chickpea 100 g Amount per serving Calories 378 Calories from Fat 54.36 % Daily value * Total Fat 6.04g 9% Saturate fats 0.6 g 3% Polyunsaturated. fats 2.73 g Monounsaturated. fats 1.38 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 24 mg 1% Potassium 718 mg 21% Total Carbohydrates 62.95 g 21% Sugar 10.7 g Dietary fiber 12.2 g 49% Proteins 20.47 g 41% Vitamin A 1% Vitamin B6 27% Vitamin C 7% Vitamin K 11% Niacin 8% Thiamin 32% Iron 24% Calcium 6% Magnesium 20% Phosphorus 25% Zinc 18% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product


Source: How to burn 378 kcal?

Walking 95 minutes
Jogging 42 minutes
Swimming 32 minutes
A bike 54 minutes
Aerobics 76 minutes
Household chores 126 minutes

The origin of chickpea

Before chickpeas spread throughout the planet, they began to grow in the Middle East 7,500 years ago. During the Bronze Age, the ancient Greeks and Romans cooked porridge from chickpeas, which was called pulse. In antiquity, he was credited with medicinal properties, believing that the fetus stimulates lactation, has diuretic properties and can expel kidney stones. Already in the 17th century, chickpeas were known to the whole world, and in Europe they even replaced coffee. In our country, this legume culture came through the peoples of the Transcaucasus and the Bulgarians.

As it spread, chickpeas acquired many names: chickpeas, lamb peas, bubble gum, nahat, hummus. Today the crop is grown in India, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Mexico, Myanmar, Australia, Ethiopia, Canada, Syria and can grow in any country with a tropical or subtropical climate and a minimum of rainfall. And the chickpea itself has long ceased to be an inaccessible exotic and has firmly established itself on the shelves of domestic supermarkets. Therefore, our hostesses always have the opportunity to try their hand at preparing traditional oriental dishes with the participation of chickpeas.

Chickpeas in recipes

Chickpeas are suitable for soups, stews, or salad dressings. The calorie content of chickpeas makes it one of the most nutritious elements of vegetarian and Vedic cuisine. Unlike regular peas, chickpeas have a nutty flavor, which makes them suitable for sweet dishes too.

One of the most famous chickpea recipes is hummus. This exotic dish is quite simple to prepare. For him you will need two glasses of chickpeas, 50 g of sesame paste, which is prepared from seeds and sesame oil, 3 tablespoons. olive oil, lemon, a third of a head of garlic, 1 tsp. salt. Black pepper, cumin, savory, ground ginger, chili pepper, coriander, paprika are useful as a spice, you can add a little cumin or zataar. However, this is the taste of the hostess. And from fresh herbs, you can use parsley, dill and cilantro.

Before cooking, it is advisable to soak chickpeas according to the recipe overnight, since the next day it will have to cook for several hours. So, to make hummus, you need to drain the water in which the chickpeas were soaked, then pour water over it again and cook over low heat for 2 hours until the beans become soft, periodically removing the foam. At the end of cooking, drain the remaining water and add lemon juice, garlic, herbs, salt and spices, stir well for 1-2 minutes to soak the ingredients, and then transfer to a blender or any sturdy dish if you are going to crush it with your hands. …

Now, according to the recipe, you need to add tahini to the chickpeas - ready-made or pounded on your own. Tahini for chickpea is prepared simply - sesame seeds are fried in a pan and then ground in a blender with olive or sesame oil. The resulting paste is added according to the recipe to the chickpeas and mixed thoroughly. Ideally, you should have a cream-colored pâté consistency that is hearty and incredibly tasty.

Thanks to its calorie content, chickpeas are suitable not only for everyday dishes, for example, in India, sweets are made from it. Here is a recipe for chickpeas and dried fruits. For him you will need: 1 tbsp. cognac (if this is a dish for children, then use juice), 8 figs, 8 pcs. dried apricots, 1 tbsp. honey, 2-3 tbsp. sprinkles (cocoa powder, ground nuts, sesame seeds, icing sugar, cinnamon) and 200 g of chickpeas.

According to the recipe, chickpeas are soaked in water overnight, and dried apricots and figs are soaked in brandy or juice. In the morning you need to drain the water and boil the chickpeas, and then mix it with dried fruits and twist in a meat grinder. When you add honey to the mixture, you get a plastic fragrant mass, from which you need to roll small balls the size of a walnut, sprinkle them with sesame seeds, cocoa or other prepared ingredients as desired, and your dessert is ready!

Useful properties of chickpea

Chickpeas are one of the most nutritious foods around. The calorie content of chickpea is 320-370 kcal. 100 g of beans contain 61 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of fat and up to 30 g of protein. Nutritionally, chickpeas are comparable to meat. However, like any other plant-based food source, it quickly satiates, but this feeling of fullness quickly passes.

Chickpea contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, B6, PP. It is rich in trace elements such as selenium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, calcium, boron, iron and silicon. The composition of the fruit includes amino acids - tryptophan, lysine, methionine, as well as soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, minerals and much more.

The beneficial properties of chickpea make it an essential component of vegetarian diets. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. The high fiber content of chickpeas has a positive effect on digestion and blood sugar levels.

The beneficial properties of chickpea do not end there. It soothes toothache, helps with gum disease, arrhythmias, dropsy, jaundice, lichen, liver blockages, spleen. With elevated cholesterol and bile levels, as well as with edema, chickpeas stimulate the outflow of urine and bile. It is recommended to be taken during menstruation, lactation and pregnancy as a natural source of iron. In addition, chickpeas increase the production of hemoglobin and prevent anemia.

How does chickpea affect the digestive system? It cleanses the intestines from toxins, prevents constipation, removes toxins, inhibits the action of pathogenic microflora and putrefactive bacteria. It is believed that anti-cancer properties can also be attributed to chickpea, as it reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors in the large intestine. In general, chickpeas normalizes blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels, and serves to prevent strokes and heart attacks. As for the calorie content of chickpeas, unlike other carbohydrate foods, it is not harmful.

Chickpea salad
Chickpea salad

And yet chickpeas, like any other product, cannot be useful to everyone and everyone. For example, it can cause individual intolerance. It is not recommended to be eaten for bladder ulcers, and for the elderly, this product can only be used with extreme caution. In addition, chickpeas cause increased gas formation if used incorrectly. But discomfort can be reduced by adding dill or fennel to chickpea dishes and not drinking them with water.

And, finally, it is worth noting that the useful and taste properties of chickpea largely depend on the quality of the raw materials and, of course, compliance with storage rules. When buying chickpeas, make sure that the grains are whole, smooth, but not dry or damaged by mold. Chickpeas can be kept in a vacuum container protected from light, otherwise they will go rancid. Subject to all conditions, chickpea fruits can be stored for up to two years.

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