Lime - Properties, Benefits, Composition, Calorie Content, Nutritional Value

Lime - Properties, Benefits, Composition, Calorie Content, Nutritional Value
Lime - Properties, Benefits, Composition, Calorie Content, Nutritional Value


Lime is considered by many to be a hybrid of lemon. This opinion is wrong. In fact, lime is a much older member of the Citrus genus than lemon.

The nutritional value Serving Lime 100 g Amount per serving Calories 30 Calories from Fat 1.8 % Daily value * Total Fat 0.2 g 0% Saturate fats 0.02 g 0% Polyunsaturated. fats 0.06 g Monounsaturated. fats 0.02 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 2 mg 0% Potassium 102 mg 3% Total Carbohydrates 10.54g 4% Sugar 1.69 g Dietary fiber 2.8 g 11% Proteins 0.7 g 1% Vitamin B6 2% Vitamin C 49% Niacin 1% Thiamine 2% Iron 3% Calcium 3% Magnesium 2% Phosphorus 2% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product


Source: How to burn 30 kcal?

Walking 8 minutes
Jogging 3 min.
Swimming 3 min.
A bike 4 minutes
Aerobics 6 minutes
Household chores 10 min.

Description of lime

Lime is an evergreen plant belonging to the Citrus genus, Rutaceae family. This plant looks like a short tree 1.5-5 m in height with a dense crown. The branches of the tree are dotted with short thorns. Lime fruits are egg-shaped, yellow or green, and look similar to lemon.

This evergreen tree is native to the Malacca Peninsula, located in Southeast Asia. Lime appeared on the Mediterranean 1000 years before our era. In the 70s of the 19th century, lime trees began to be grown on an industrial scale in the Antilles.

The tree grows in almost all countries with tropical climates. It is especially popular in regions where lemons do not grow due to too high air humidity, while lime grows well in such unfavorable climatic conditions. But at temperatures below zero, trees die. The largest exporters of lime to the international market are Egypt, Cuba, India and Mexico.

In fact, lime is not a hybrid of lemon, as is commonly believed, but on the contrary - lemon is a hybrid of lime and another citrus - etrog. The plant differs from lemon in a thinner skin, which is often green or yellowish-green (therefore it is also called "green lemon"). The pulp has a sour taste, juicy and green tint. There are many varieties of lime, but basically they are divided into two groups: sweet and sour.

Like other citrus fruits, lime is widely used in cooking. Lime juice is more acidic than lemon, and the aroma of the zest is brighter and more intense. They eat it fresh, and also add it to various dishes and drinks to give them aroma and acidity. The most popular plant-based soft drink is limead. In the manufacture of the Sprite drink, producers use the dried fruits of this plant. In addition, lime is a necessary element of many alcoholic cocktails (margarita, mojito, gin and tonic). Confectioners use the zest and pulp of the plant - lime pie and lime cakes are famous in many countries. And in Mexico and Latin America, a special sauce for spicy meat and fish dishes is prepared from the plant.

Lime juice is used to make oil and citric acid, and it is widely used in cosmetology.

Lime composition

100 g of the product contains 88.26 g of water, 7.76 g of carbohydrates, 2.8 g of fiber, 0.7 g of proteins, 0.3 g of ash and 0.2 g of fat; vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, B4; macronutrients: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium; trace elements: copper, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese.

The calorie content of 100 g of lime is 30 kcal.

The health benefits of lime

The main benefit of lime is its high content of vitamin C and potassium, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, slows down the aging process of the body and skin, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Lime also has useful properties for colds and infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency, decreased immunity, sore throat.

When consumed regularly, the benefits of lime are to prevent the development of tooth decay, reduce bleeding gums and strengthen them. In addition, lime is an excellent antidepressant, and in winter it must be included in the diet to prevent seasonal depression and improve tone.

Lime water
Lime water

In combination with salt, lime juice has a laxative effect, therefore it is recommended for the prevention of constipation. Another benefit of lime is to detoxify the body. When added to meat dishes, it makes them easier to digest and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lime essential oil is traditionally used in aromatherapy as an effective remedy for colds and runny nose, its aroma can lift your spirits.


Despite the many beneficial properties of lime, it is contraindicated for people suffering from pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers. This is due to the high content of citric acid in the plant.

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