Red Cabbage - Benefits, Properties, Calorie Content, Vitamins

Red Cabbage - Benefits, Properties, Calorie Content, Vitamins
Red Cabbage - Benefits, Properties, Calorie Content, Vitamins

Red cabbage

The red cabbage variety is one of the varieties of the well-known garden cabbage. The closest "sister" of red cabbage is white cabbage.

The nutritional value Portion Red cabbage 100 g Amount per serving Calories 31 Calories from Fat 1.44 % Daily value * Total Fat 0.16 g 0% Saturate fats 0.02 g 0% Polyunsaturated. fats 0.08 g Monounsaturated. fats 0.01 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 27 mg 1% Potassium 243 mg 7% Total Carbohydrates 7.37 g 2% Sugar 3.83 g Dietary fiber 2.1 g 8% Proteins 1.43 g 3% Vitamin A 22% Vitamin B6 10% Vitamin C 95% Vitamin K 48% Niacin 2% Thiamine 4% Iron 4% Calcium 5% Magnesium 4% Phosphorus 3% Zinc 1% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product

Red cabbage
Red cabbage

Source: How to burn 31 kcal?

Walking 8 minutes
Jogging 3 min.
Swimming 3 min.
A bike 4 minutes
Aerobics 6 minutes
Household chores 10 min.

Historical reference

Cabbage has been revered since ancient times. Pythagoras himself was a great lover of this vegetable, believing that it invigorates and at the same time gives peace of mind. Since the same time, the properties of red cabbage have been used for medicinal purposes. This variety of cabbage came to Russia from the countries of the Mediterranean region in transit through Western Europe. Some sources indicate that this happened approximately in the 17th century, others at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. But today it is no longer so important. The main thing is that the cabbage quickly gained popularity among the people and took its rightful place in the gardens.

Botanical description

Red cabbage has a dense, round or oval (rarely - cone-shaped) head of cabbage weighing 1 to 3 kg, a massive branched root and a very short stem. Seeds begin to form from the second year of life. It is a biennial plant, with a head of cabbage being formed in the first year, and seeds and a flower-bearing stem in the second. Red cabbage variety differs from white cabbage late maturity, longer preservation of the presentation, smaller rosette of leaves and a head of cabbage, as well as the violet-red color of the latter. The best temperature regime for cabbage ripening is 15-18 ° С.

Red cabbage: composition

The following substances can be distinguished in the composition of red cabbage:

  • proteins;
  • enzymes;
  • cellulose;
  • lactic acid
  • phytoncides and anthocyanins;
  • sugar;
  • macro- and microelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium);
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, nicotinic acid, biotin, the precursor of vitamin A - carotene).

Useful properties of red cabbage

The benefits of red cabbage are determined by its composition. This is a very healthy and dietary product. First of all, it should be said that the two main structural components are water (up to 90%) and fiber.

The presence of fiber and lactic acid in red cabbage ensures its positive effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, fiber allows the body to "shed" excess cholesterol.

The benefits of red cabbage for the thyroid gland, kidneys and the process of hematopoiesis are determined by the presence of protein. Is there protein in vegetables? - you ask. Don't just eat: red cabbage is the leader among other vegetables in this regard: you will not find so much protein in beets, carrots, or other vegetables.

Of the vitamins, red cabbage contains most of the ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which remains in the vegetable for a long time during its storage. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) contributes to normal growth and development of tissues, participates in the formation of energy from sugar and fats. Folic acid promotes blood formation.

Red cabbage is rich in macro- and microelements. Of course, all minerals are important in their own way, but in particular I would like to note selenium, especially since its content is higher here than in other vegetables. Selenium has an important role in maintaining immunity, because it is part of the enzymes that activate the function of the thyroid gland. Selenium is a prominent participant in metabolic processes, performs "sewage" functions, cleansing the body of heavy metals and toxins, and helps in the delivery of oxygen to cells. Zinc has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain.

Phytoncides and anthocyanins increase the firmness and elasticity of capillaries, optimize their permeability, protect the body from radiation and prevent leukemia and tuberculosis.

The use of red cabbage in traditional medicine

Red cabbage brings tangible benefits to hypertensive patients: enriching the diet with this vegetable helps to lower blood pressure. Such a cabbage is also good for the prevention of vascular diseases. Due to its wound-healing properties, red cabbage is indicated for frequent bleeding and increased capillary fragility.

This vegetable is recommended to use before the planned feast (it will smooth out the effect of alcohol).

If you add sugar or, more optimally, honey to the juice of red cabbage, you will get a wonderful remedy for cough and hoarseness.

Another characteristic property of red cabbage is a diuretic, which can also be put to the service of persons suffering from cardiovascular pathology, because it helps to slow down the development of atherosclerotic vascular changes.

Red cabbage salad
Red cabbage salad

Probably, many will be interested (especially women) that red cabbage is a mandatory attribute of various diet programs for weight loss. Due to the large amount of fiber and water, this product has a low calorie content, which, for obvious reasons, is welcome in the diet of overweight people. Another "female" secret of red cabbage is the stimulation of the growth of the mammary glands. Speaking frankly, this has not been confirmed by science, but this is the belief among the people.

In what form should this healthy vegetable be consumed? Omnivorousness is allowed here: boiled, stewed, and raw look will do. If cabbage is subjected to heat treatment, it is not recommended to cook it for more than an hour in order to preserve its beneficial properties. The broth left after "culinary delights" is well suited as a base for a soup or as an independent drink.

In a word, the "heroine" of our today's article is a wonderful plant from all sides.

If we compare the benefits of red cabbage with white cabbage, then the latter will not have an advantage. And if you, standing in a greengrocer's shop, are thinking about which variety to choose: red cabbage or white cabbage, feel free to choose the first one.

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