Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug Addiction Treatment
Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug addiction treatment

Drug addiction is a serious problem that, in the absence of treatment, can have the most serious consequences not only for the person himself, but also for his family, friends and loved ones, and even end in tragedy.

Addiction: how and where to treat?
Addiction: how and where to treat?

Treatment methods

At the moment, drug addiction is recognized by the world medical community as a serious disease.

For the treatment of drug addiction in well-known clinics, methods such as:

  • consultation of relatives at the preliminary stage of treatment;
  • group psychotherapy, taking into account the patient's personality;
  • codependency psychotherapy;
  • family psychotherapy, based on getting rid of addiction, relying on the beneficial influence of the patient's family;
  • plasmapheresis, which involves cleansing the patient's blood from narcotic substances;
  • bioxenon therapy, during which xenon inhalations are carried out, relieving stress and controlling NMDA receptors;
  • various types of massage.

How to choose a clinic

Experience shows that only a few can recover from drug addiction on their own, at home.

To achieve a lasting result, you can contact a proven clinic, where high-level specialists work and modern complex methods are used. It should be equipped with modern medical equipment and provide patients with an adequate level of comfort.

You should not waste precious time hoping to heal a loved one by placing him in a commune or resorting to the help of conspiracies, healers and healers.

In addition, it should be understood that the result of treatment largely depends on rehabilitation, which must also take place after the patient returns home.

How to choose a clinic for drug addiction treatment
How to choose a clinic for drug addiction treatment

Where can you be helped

If this trouble knocks on your door, and someone close to you suffers from drug addiction, the IMC Drug Treatment Clinic is ready to help you. It has been operating for more than two decades, and its specialists have accumulated vast experience in working with all forms of drug addiction (from heroin, methadone, cocaine and other drugs), as well as polydrug addiction. A 100% guarantee of anonymity is provided. Treatment lasting from 28 to 84 days is carried out according to individually selected programs aimed at the patient's early return to normal life.

The IMC clinic is so confident in the effectiveness of its rehabilitation course that if the patient returns to active drug addiction, then the second treatment is free.

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