Drug Addiction Problem, Prevention, Treatment

Drug Addiction Problem, Prevention, Treatment
Drug Addiction Problem, Prevention, Treatment


Brief description of the disease


Drug addiction is the use of narcotic substances by a person, from which he becomes addicted and experiences an irresistible attraction to drugs.

Drugs are substances that act on the human body in the form of narcotic intoxication and have characteristic side effects. They are addictive, both psychological and physical. In between taking them, the addict develops a painful condition, the so-called withdrawal.

Drugs allow a person to have a temporary illusion of pleasure.

Narcotic euphoria is short-lived, it lasts from one to five minutes, and the rest of the time, within 1 to 3 hours, a period of relaxation begins, which gradually turns into a state of drowsiness, sleep and delirium.

Signs of addiction

Addiction is insidious. The addiction period for drugs lasts about 6 months.

A person who takes drugs shows sudden mood swings, changes in the rhythm of sleep, worsens appetite, and disrupts his usual course of life.

Drug addiction, as a disease, is characterized by a mental disorder and a strong craving for drug use.

A drug addict has unstable blood pressure, a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract appears.

The pupils of a person taking drugs are unnaturally narrow or, conversely, significantly dilated, with a painful shine. The look is hazy. The skin of the face is pale, with an earthy tint, hair and nails become brittle.

Bad breath indicates that the addict is addicted to marijuana. A persistent cough or rhinitis is caused by heroin use.

Signs of addiction include bad physical appearance. There is sloppiness and untidiness in clothes, a craving for black.

Addiction treatment

Drug addiction treatment is carried out in stationary conditions, under the supervision of specialists and psychologists, comprehensively and individually.

The mainstay of treatment is to remove the physical and psychological dependence on drugs.

Work is underway to detoxify the body, restore the nervous system, sleep, and take measures to maintain the cardiovascular system.

Drug addiction treatment is a long and complex process, the result of which depends entirely on the patient himself, who is tuned in to cure, which is extremely rare.

Prevention of drug addiction

Drug addiction treatment often does not give positive results, therefore drug addiction prevention is one of the most important ways to prevent drug addiction.

And you should start with a family, where the example of parents and their sober lifestyle are of no small importance.

A trusting relationship, open communication between children and parents is a guarantee of drug addiction prevention. Indifference, rough and dictatorial practices in family relationships make a child unprotected from bad temptations, including drugs. If a teenager has problems in communication, isolation, psychological trainings can provide him with effective help.

Educational institutions, where drug addiction prevention should be carried out in an accessible form, do not have the right to stand aside, to form adolescents' firm stance on drug refusal.

This work is ongoing and involving as many young people as possible. It is conducted in the form of talks, lectures and film screenings.

The executive authorities of each region are obliged to organize the necessary promotion of a healthy lifestyle through the media.

In addition, prevention of drug addiction includes tightening the legislation, improving society, and reducing contacts with drugs.

Addiction problem

Addiction is spreading rapidly. Currently, there is practically no region where drug use cases have not been recorded.

The problem of drug addiction is that a person who uses drugs never admits that he is a drug addict. He does not seek help from doctors, although harmful substances already have a negative effect on his body, destroying his psyche and health.

Every day, a large number of people, for the sake of obtaining novelty of sensations, try drugs. Subsequently, when life difficulties appear, they again reach for these drugs in order, at least temporarily, to escape reality, to forget about all their failures. They do not understand that in this case they have a new problem - the problem of drug addiction.

And this will continue until the cruel lessons of life show this person that such existence is unacceptable, that the problem of drug addiction that has arisen in him must be urgently eliminated. But it will disappear only when he himself, consciously, seeks medical help.

But this happens very rarely, so drug addiction continues to flourish.

Addiction among adolescents

Drug addiction is one of the global social problems that attracts various segments of the population.

Drug addiction among adolescents is on the increase, replenishing its ranks, mainly from the number of children living in disadvantaged families.

Teenage drug addiction is a terrible social phenomenon in which the life of a young, fragile organism breaks down.

In the presence of an unformed psyche, adolescents easily take drugs, not knowing or not thinking about the consequences that await them in the near future. Being under the influence of drugs, they do not understand that drug addiction is ruining their lives.

The younger generation, succumbing to a great desire to stand out among their peers, takes the path of drug addiction, which in most cases leads to the commission of crimes.

Drug addiction gives rise to juvenile delinquency, which is a big problem for the whole society.

Teenage drug addiction confidently enters the life of young people, crippling them mentally and physically.

It is very difficult to cure a teenage drug addict, because he likes to be in a drug intoxication, when all problems disappear in front of him, he does not need to be strong and take responsibility for his actions. Therefore, such a teenager does not want to live differently and in every possible way avoids treatment.

Drug addiction among adolescents should be, if not completely eradicated, then significantly reduced by the joint joint efforts of all members of society.

Harm of drug addiction

Addiction treatment
Addiction treatment

The harm of drug addiction is great! It consists in causing a threat to society and each individual family by drug addicts.

Drug addiction leads a person to degradation, destruction of personality, illness and death. Among them are a large number of AIDS patients.

Drug addicts mainly lead a criminal lifestyle, where theft and prostitution flourish. They bring a lot of trouble and suffering to their loved ones.

In order to get drugs, drug addicts do their best to get money, which often leads them to criminal actions.

Therefore, the great harm of drug addiction lies in the increase in crime. Robberies, car thefts, robberies, violence, murders committed in a state of drug intoxication, every day increase the sad statistics.

The harm of drug addiction is also seen in the fact that young people are exposed to it.

This means that drug addiction undermines the health of future generations and can lead to a rapid aging of society.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
