Instructions for use:
- 1. Useful properties
- 2. Application
- 3. Contraindications

Bearberry is a shrub with bright red globular fruits. Other well-known names of the plant are bear berry, drupe, flour beetle, bear ears, tolokonka.
Useful properties of bearberry
For treatment, bearberry leaves are used, which are cut for harvesting along with the branches, when the shrub blooms - from May to July.
It is better to dry the leaves naturally, in the air, but under a canopy or in the attic. Having laid branches with leaves in a thin layer, they are periodically turned over, and after they have dried, they are peeled and thrown out along with the blackened leaves. If it is not possible to harvest raw materials in the air, you can use artificial drying - dry the branches in an oven or dryer at 50 degrees.
Bearberry leaves are valued mainly for the tannins and hydroquinone contained in them, which has antimicrobial activity.
Bearberry infusions and decoctions have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent, bactericidal action.
Bearberry application

Bearberry helps with gout, kidney disease, urinary duct, gastrointestinal tract.
Powder from the leaves of bearberry is taken for gastritis, heartburn, a decoction of them helps to relieve puffiness, stop uterine bleeding, it is drunk with heart failure, tuberculosis.
With diathesis, festering wounds, washing and bathing with bearberry broth help.
This is how a decoction of bearberry leaves is prepared: 200 ml of boiled hot water is poured over one tablespoon of the leaves, they are heated for another half hour, after 10 minutes they insist, filter, squeeze the leaves, add boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. Take a decoction 3-5 rubles / day on a tablespoon after a meal (after 40 minutes). For children, such a broth is prepared at the rate of a teaspoon of leaves per 200 ml of boiling water, but the dosage should be determined by the supervising pediatrician, assessing the severity of the disease, weight and age of the child.
Tincture on the leaves is used for alcoholism, insomnia, diseases of the nervous system, and malignant tumors.
Despite the fact that the main medicinal raw material is the leaves of the plant, bearberry flowers can be used to treat heart disease, conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
Bearberry helps with cystitis, such an infusion is prepared from it: pour 250 ml of water two teaspoons of leaves, insist for 24 hours, filter. Drink infusion of 200 ml 3 rubles / day, preheated.
For cystitis, bearberry is also used as part of the collection: mix 20 g of its leaves with 5 g of parsley, 20 g of hernia and 5 g of celandine. A mixture of herbs is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, insisted for an hour. To drink a mixed collection with bearberry for cystitis, you need three r / day, 50-70 ml each.
For insomnia, collection from bearberry, licorice root, corn stigmas, birch leaves helps. All these components are taken in equal amounts. When brewing a soothing tea, one part of the collection accounts for 20 parts of boiling water. They drink it three r / day, 70 ml each before meals. This collection also has a diuretic and antiseptic effect.
Chopped bearberry boiled in milk is a good remedy for gastritis and diarrhea, especially for children.
It is possible to use bearberry in gynecology - decoctions made from leaves are used for douching with leucorrhoea, treatment of venereal diseases, and contraction of the myometrium.
Despite the fact that bearberry is often prescribed during pregnancy, it is still not recommended to take it in this condition as a diuretic or to treat cystitis without control. Bearberry during pregnancy can be harmful, because causes contraction of the uterus and, accordingly, can provoke a miscarriage. Phytolysin is a good substitute for bearberry during pregnancy - a plant-based drug that does not cause unwanted side effects, although it is also not recommended to take it on your own.
Contraindications bearberry
A serious contraindication to the use of bearberry is self-medication: in case of an overdose, decoctions cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, exacerbation of inflammation in the kidneys and urinary ducts.
In case of acute inflammation of the kidneys, it is impossible to take drugs on bearberry and preparations containing it.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!