Cystitis is not a sentence
According to statistics, 25-30% of women under 40 suffer from cystitis. With age, this indicator rises, moreover, many do not get into the statistics, because they do not go to the doctor.

The saddest thing is that after regular visits to doctors, long-term use of antibiotics and living in the "take care of yourself" regimen, cystitis still returns to half of the women. Symptoms of cystitis are unambiguous and cannot be confused with anything: pain in the bladder, burning sensation when urinating, frequent urge to go to the toilet, forcing to get up in the middle of the night.
Women often complain that exacerbation of cystitis occurs after the slightest provocation.
Why does cystitis occur?
The most common cause of bladder inflammation is bacteria. Most often, cystitis is caused by Escherichia coli, less often Staphylococcus aureus. Once in the bladder, Escherichia coli produces a protein called adhesin, which readily binds to receptors in mucosal cells, and thus the bacteria attaches to the bladder wall. After that, the bacteria "settle" on the walls of the urinary tract, take useful substances from the cells, multiply and form whole colonies. In addition, bacteria release toxins into cells. From this, mucosal cells die, inflammation begins.
It is known that E. coli also lives in a healthy body. Why is it that bacteria cause inflammation in some people and not harm others?
Favorable conditions for the development of cystitis in women
1. The structure of the urethra. The urethra of a woman is wide and short (only 4-5 cm), in contrast to the man's, the length of which is at least 15-18 cm. Therefore, it is easier for infections to penetrate into the bladder of the female body. It is, of course, impossible to correct the anatomy, but it is within our power to prevent bacteria from entering the urethra. To do this, you need to follow the rules of hygiene: have sex with a condom, wipe yourself from front to back after visiting the toilet, and not vice versa, change tampons and pads in time.

2. Concomitant diseases. Infectious diseases of the genital organs lead to a change in the ecosystem of the vagina. The resistance of the mucous membrane decreases, and pathogens feel more comfortable.
3. Rare visits to the toilet. Together with urine, not only waste products are excreted from the body, but also bacteria trapped in the bladder and urethra. People who rarely go to the toilet get cystitis more often. Visit the "ladies' room" at least 4-5 times a day, do not ignore the urge to urinate - the body does not give signals just like that. How often you empty your bladder can be determined by the color of your urine. If it is dark, you may need to drink more fluids to urinate more frequently.
Can cystitis be completely cured?
People with chronic cystitis are aware of its causes, risk factors, and precautions. But few people manage to create conditions for the disease to recede forever. Moreover, sometimes even adherence to all precautions does not prevent the onset of symptoms of cystitis.
And then, for prevention, you have to take antibiotics and other medications again. The course of taking antibiotics to prevent cystitis is six months, and the consequences of such long-term use can persist even longer.

How to avoid antibiotics?
The European Association of Urology recommends using cranberries instead of antibiotics for the prevention of cystitis. But it's not enough to just eat cranberries, it is necessary that it contains a certain amount of useful substances - proanthocyanidins!
Cranberry infusions were taken by our grandmothers for cystitis, often in combination with bearberry broth (bear ears). But it turns out that these plants are useful not only for cystitis, but also for its prevention.

Today you can choose a more modern way to obtain nutrients from plants than to cook decoctions. The drug Cistenium consists of cranberry extract, bearberry extract and vitamin C, and therefore provides a triple effect in the prevention of cystitis.
Cranberry extract contains substances proanthocyanidins, which protect the receptors of the mucous membrane of the bladder from adhesin, and prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder. It is 36 mg of proanthocyanidins taken daily that will help prevent recurrence of cystitis. And that is exactly how many of these substances are contained in 1 sachet of Cistenium.

Bearberry or bear's ear inhibits the vital activity of bacteria and accelerates their removal from the body with urine.
Ascorbic acid increases general immunity and creates an acidic environment, due to which bacteria die faster.
The drug Cistenium consists of plant extracts that are produced in France. Each sachet is guaranteed to contain effective active ingredients.
Plant components do not induce bacterial resistance. This means that Cistenium will be effective for the prevention of cystitis, even with prolonged use.
Cystenium is available in sachet form. The contents of the sachet must be diluted in a glass of water at room temperature. You will have a drink with a pleasant berry flavor. Take 1 sachet 1 to 2 times daily with meals for 14 days and you will protect yourself from recurrence of cystitis. Also, the drug is advised to be taken if there are risk factors: after hypothermia, sex, visiting the pool, etc.
Any doctor will tell you that disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Cystitis is no exception. Take care of your health in advance, before cystitis does not show itself again!

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