Is Old Age A Sentence?

Is Old Age A Sentence?
Is Old Age A Sentence?

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Is old age a sentence?

Olga Shelopukho, PhD in Psychology
Olga Shelopukho, PhD in Psychology

Polls by VTsIOM show that 38% of Russians feel sorry for people of retirement age, 35% - a desire to help. Most often, young people aged 18 to 24 consider themselves happy, while for 30% of Russians the feeling of happiness is associated with family well-being, and children and grandchildren became a source of joy for 17%.

What do these statistics show? Most of us are afraid of old age, believing that the transition to the category of "elderly" is tantamount to the end of an active and interesting life, loss of social status and material well-being. Is it so? Psychologists believe that in fact, old age has its advantages, and in order to feel them by the fall of life, one must not only prepare, but also perceive it as a natural period that allows to fully realize the accumulated knowledge and experience, the opportunity to implement what there was no time before.

Olga Shelopukho, a psychologist at Sistemy Zabota, Ph. D. in Psychology, believes that retirement saves a person from “work” stresses, conflicts in the team, the need to follow someone's instructions, fear of early dismissal and loss of place. You can say goodbye to hazardous production, public transport, early waking up and vacations at the most unpleasant time of the year. You can finally divorce your unloved spouse or, conversely, marry with a long-standing secret love!

Many people of the "golden age" believe that they have already given their debt to society and now have the right to do as they want. Get a dog or a parrot, stop dieting, don't wear stiletto heels, ties and business suits, move to the village or return to your native land, start fiddling with your summer cottage or garden plot.

By the way, Sistema Zabota specialists are often asked not only for advice on which medical institution to apply to, but also for information about what interesting events are taking place in the city, and where which associations of interests for the elderly work. We are pleased with such questions, and for those people who have not yet decided on the form of spending their leisure time, we try to help - we give the opportunity to speak out, relieve anxiety, help to understand the problems in communicating with children and grandchildren, give advice on improving health, tell how you can improve well-being without the use of drugs.

You know, as practice shows, the "System of Care" helped many elderly people "expand their horizons." Having the opportunity to contact the doctor-operator of the contact center at any time and in any place, the elderly person ceases to be afraid of loneliness, feels more confident outside the walls of his own home. Yes, and his relatives, knowing that professionals help a loved one, can work and rest in peace. In the event of a problem, people who know the psychology of the elderly and have information are connected to its solution, which allows you to quickly find specialists of the desired profile: from a lawyer to a nurse.

Our service helps to overcome the negative outlook on the life of retirees. By subjecting it to critical revision, we form a comprehensive system of care for an elderly person. Our task is to show that a happy "autumn of life" is the ability to adapt to changes.

We ourselves are also constantly changing, expanding the range of services provided, replenishing the information base, training specialists and attracting partners to jointly solve problems that arise when processing clients' requests (see our website After all, it is known that wisdom appears over the years, including over the years of work in the social sphere.

Care system
Care system

The psychological task of old age is integrity. A person must put himself together like a mosaic and say: I am satisfied, no matter what. In this period, we represent what we have accumulated in our entire life. Knowing that we have no control over time, and old age is also inevitable, it is important for the whole society to accept aging and learn to manage the quality of life. We are the masters of our own destiny, and it is up to us to decide how to be happy at any, including in old age. These are the advice of a psychologist.

Well, the task of those around them is to learn to take care of the elderly. Do not deprive them of their attention and love, show them your respect, often listen to the wise advice of your elders, refer to their experience and not complain about changes in character.

Take the first step towards meeting each other, and you will be rewarded with mutual understanding and peace in the family.

Let your first step be to call the "Care System" by phone. 703-02-01 and we will take care of your elderly relatives.

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