Radiologist - Specifics, Consultation, Reviews

Radiologist - Specifics, Consultation, Reviews
Radiologist - Specifics, Consultation, Reviews


A radiologist is a specialist with knowledge in the field of radiation therapy, medical radiology.

A radiologist is a specialist with knowledge in the field of radiation therapy, medical radiology
A radiologist is a specialist with knowledge in the field of radiation therapy, medical radiology

Radiology as a branch of medicine in Russia appeared not so long ago, its main task is to study how ionizing radiation affects a person.

The main task of a radiologist is to conduct a radiological examination to diagnose various diseases, as well as treatment based on the use of radiotherapy.

In his work, the radiologist uses modern diagnostic methods: computed and magnetic resonance imaging, radiography and fluoroscopy, ultrasound examination, fluorography, bronchography and bronchoscopy, echocardiographic examination, thoracoscopy.

Diagnosing diseases using radiological methods is of great importance in modern medicine. The development of radiology has made it possible to significantly reduce patient mortality.

What is the competence of a radiologist

The radiologist provides qualified medical care to patients, uses only radiological equipment approved by official medicine for diagnosis and treatment.

A radiologist is most often involved in a comprehensive examination of patients, but can also issue independent opinions.

The radiologist participates not only in examining the patient, but also in developing a plan for his treatment. It is he who selects the optimal and gentle methods of treatment using the method of radiation therapy.

The radiologist necessarily controls the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and monitors how the radiological equipment and instruments are used.

Physicians who work closely with radiologists are chemotherapists, oncologists, and oncosurgeons.

When to see a radiologist

The main patients of radiologists are people who have been exposed and suffer from its consequences.

In second place are the visits to radiologists to confirm the following diagnoses:

  • various types of benign and malignant tumors of the skin, mammary glands, genitals, gastrointestinal tract, lungs and bronchi, mouth, larynx, brain and other organs;
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • hydradenitis;
  • spurs;
  • tendovaginitis and bursitis;
  • metastases of cancerous tumors;
  • lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis.

How to become a radiologist

To become a radiologist, you must graduate from a higher educational medical institution, undergo training in the specialty "radiology".

Often, radiologists and radiologists are trained together at the same department of an educational institution, but the latter have a broader field of activity.

A radiologist must be aware of modern diagnostic methods, the peculiarities of the work of the radiological service, and know what radiology is as a clinical discipline.

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