Physician Neuropathologist - Reviews, Reception, Consultation

Physician Neuropathologist - Reviews, Reception, Consultation
Physician Neuropathologist - Reviews, Reception, Consultation


Neurology is a biological science that studies the functions and structure of the nervous system in pathology and in normal conditions, and also develops methods for recognizing, preventing and treating its pathologies. A neuropathologist is a physician trained to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases of the nervous system. He deals with pathological changes in the peripheral and central nervous systems. The neuropathologist identifies abnormalities in the work of the human body that have no connection with the patient's psyche. Such deviations are located directly in the nerve endings of the body. Neurological diseases include various manifestations of cerebral atherosclerosis in the form of acute or chronic circulatory disorders of the brain, inflammatory diseases (arachnoiditis, meningitis), craniocerebral trauma, Parkinson's disease,neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spinal column. Sometimes neurological diseases are associated with psychiatric disorders. In this case, knowledge of two specialists is required.

Neuropathologist - specialist in diseases of the nervous system
Neuropathologist - specialist in diseases of the nervous system

Reception of a neurologist

Considering the modern way and rhythm of life, according to statistics, every third adult needs a consultation with a neurologist. Patients come to a neurologist with various complaints, and most often when self-medication has already become ineffective. Judging by the reviews, in most cases, a neurologist is treated with headache, migraine, dizziness and fainting, back and neck pain, sleep disorders, nausea, vomiting, impaired coordination and speech, nervousness and irritability. Sudden visual impairment or strabismus, double vision are also direct indications for a neurologist.

Based on the reviews, the neurologist, first of all, listens to complaints, finds out the frequency of recurrence of emerging disorders and pains, their features and intensity. Since the manifestations of many diseases of the nervous system are very similar to each other, for a more accurate diagnosis, a neuropathologist usually prescribes electroencephalography, visual field testing, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head. To draw up a general clinical picture, the doctor may need indicators of a general blood test, an analysis for diabetes mellitus and infections, an analysis for osteoporosis, a toxicological study for poisons, an analysis of hormonal levels. Very often, a neuropathologist uses data from immunological, cytological, biochemical, bacteriological, general clinical and cardioreumatological studies.

After a complete diagnosis and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. Different diseases require different treatments. Judging by the reviews, the neuropathologist usually uses both medication and non-medication therapies. Drug methods include taking medications and vitamins, non-drug methods include exercise therapy, diet, physiotherapy, massage.

Pediatric neurologist

The children's neuropathologist diagnoses, treats and prevents functional disorders, diseases of the peripheral and central nervous systems. Regular preventive examinations allow timely detection of diseases, prescribe diagnostics and treatment. Preventive examination is carried out at three months, six months, nine months and a year. After a year, an annual mandatory consultation with a neurologist is carried out.

A pediatric neuropathologist treats tics, epilepsy, stuttering, enuresis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, aphasia, meningitis, and brain injuries. Based on the reviews, the neuropathologist is most often contacted in case of headaches in a child, deterioration in concentration, rapid fatigue, refusal to play with toys, insomnia, as well as excessive sensitivity to weather conditions, dizziness, tinnitus.

It is worth making an appointment with a neurologist if a young child has a heavy, superficial sleep, fever, convulsions. He often wakes up, shows anxiety, when he rests on the foot, he tightens his toes, walks on "tiptoe".

If the consultation of a neuropathologist took place on the basis of the disease, then at the next appointment the doctor collects information about when the first signs of illness and complaints appeared in the child, how the pregnancy and childbirth proceeded.

At the reception, the neuropathologist conducts a mandatory neurological examination, if necessary, prescribes additional studies, treatment and controls its progress.

In a newborn child, a neuropathologist evaluates the mobility of the eyeballs, the color of the skin and the presence of pigment and vascular spots on it, muscle tone, swallowing, checks the reflexes of sucking, crawling and swallowing.

In the treatment of diseases of the nervous system in childhood, both medications and physical methods of influence are used - physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises. Recently, completely new methods of rehabilitation have begun to be applied (computer speech programs and various methods of improving cerebellar stimulation).

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