Health Articles

Truth And Myths About Tuberculosis

Truth And Myths About Tuberculosis

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease, the development of which is caused by mycobacteria (Koch's bacillus). The disease has been known since ancient times. For a long time, the fight against him was considered ineffective. Often the disease affected entire families, and mortality from it was very high. This has led to the emergence of many misconceptions about the infectivity and the possibility of curing tuberculosis

5 Ways To Reduce Breast

5 Ways To Reduce Breast

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The fair sex often suffer from complexes about the size of their bust. The cause of mental discomfort is sometimes not too modest, but overly curvy forms. In addition to psychological problems, a large bust sometimes creates quite tangible health problems. Over time, excess stress leads to the development of spinal diseases. However, the situation is not hopeless, there are breast reduction methods

6 Remedies To Relieve Toothache

6 Remedies To Relieve Toothache

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Perhaps everyone has encountered a toothache. It is especially unpleasant when the problem arises unexpectedly and a visit to the dentist is impossible for some reason. Despite the fact that pain relievers, as a rule, are at hand, their use is not always desirable: firstly, their uncontrolled intake is dangerous, and secondly, not everyone can take them even in a therapeutic dose (people with individual intolerance, pregnant women, nursing mothers and many others are forced t

8 Most Dangerous Summer Diseases

8 Most Dangerous Summer Diseases

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The holiday season is coming. Many Russians already dream of outdoor recreation, tourist trips, beautiful seaside beaches. At this time, I don't want to think about health problems and other unpleasant things, but there are topics that require attention. In the summer, the risk of getting sick with some very dangerous ailments increases many times over, we will talk about them today

5 Reasons To See An Andrologist

5 Reasons To See An Andrologist

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

According to doctors, more than half of men 25-50 years old suffer from disorders of the genitourinary sphere, but a minority of them see a doctor. And in vain - after all, even a slight discomfort in the genital area can serve as a symptom of an ailment, fraught with serious health consequences. So the first signs of prostatitis (heaviness in the lower abdomen, decreased libido) are easy to miss, attributing to overwork and fatigue

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Nicotine Addiction?

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Nicotine Addiction?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

According to statistics, about 34% of citizens in Russia smoke. Many people dream of giving up their addiction, but not everyone succeeds in doing this: nicotine addiction is addictive, and getting rid of it is not easy

8 Health Benefits Of Blueberries

8 Health Benefits Of Blueberries

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Summer is in full swing. The season for the collection and harvesting of wild berries, one of the healthiest foods, is coming. Today we will tell you about the healing properties of blueberries, the peculiarities of their collection and storage

Do I Need To Take Vitamins?

Do I Need To Take Vitamins?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Vitamin complexes are among the most popular drugs, probably in our country there is no person who has not heard about the benefits of vitamins and has never taken them. The more vitamins, the better, we believe, and as it turned out, we are cruelly mistaken. Are vitamins so useful, is the craze for multivitamin complexes so harmless, and can you do without them? Let's try to figure it out

8 Causes Of Sleepiness And How To Fight Them

8 Causes Of Sleepiness And How To Fight Them

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The state of sleepiness is familiar to everyone. It is characterized by a whole complex of unpleasant sensations: a person becomes lethargic, experiences an irresistible desire to lie down, his reactions slow down, and apathy appears. Such a phenomenon can be observed at any time of the day, including at the moment when everyday affairs await us. People who constantly suffer from sleepiness become irritable and non-contact, their physical and intellectual activity decreases

9 Reasons To Eat Pumpkin More Often

9 Reasons To Eat Pumpkin More Often

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pumpkin appears on the tables of our compatriots relatively rarely. Many Russian housewives do not even know what dishes can be prepared from it. Meanwhile, pumpkin is so healthy that it deserves daily consumption. We will tell you about the healing and nutritional qualities of this vegetable today

13 Causes Of Low-grade Fever

13 Causes Of Low-grade Fever

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Subfebrile temperature is called an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees, and subfebrile is the presence of such a temperature for more than 3 days, and often this happens for no apparent reason. The presence of subfebrile condition is a clear sign of disorders in the body, which can be caused by various reasons: illness, stress, hormonal disruptions

Is It Possible To Be Treated Sparingly: Original Drugs, Analogues And Generics

Is It Possible To Be Treated Sparingly: Original Drugs, Analogues And Generics

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The question of the cost of medicines is not so straightforward: almost every drug is produced by several manufacturers at once, and the price of a medicine can vary significantly. In such a situation, it makes sense to understand how the original funds differ from each other, their analogues and generics

9 Healthy Foods That Have Been Undeservedly Forgotten

9 Healthy Foods That Have Been Undeservedly Forgotten

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Turnip, radish, horseradish - once these and other products were very popular with our ancestors, being not only food that saturates the body, but also drugs that heal from many diseases. The inclusion of such products in the modern diet is an effective measure for the prevention and treatment of diseases that our ancestors rarely suffered - obesity, diabetes mellitus, vascular atherosclerosis and others

7 Healthy Weeds

7 Healthy Weeds

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Among the weeds that grow literally underfoot, you can find a lot of medicinal herbs that have invaluable benefits for human health. Most of them can not only be treated, using as decoctions, tinctures, compresses, but also taken in food as ordinary foods

8 Easy Ways To Combat Insomnia

8 Easy Ways To Combat Insomnia

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

According to statistics, insomnia (insomnia) periodically suffers from about a third of all adults, and in every tenth person it takes a chronic form. Insomnia is often manifested by the problem of falling asleep. The consequences of such violations can be quite serious: in a person who does not have the opportunity to fully rest, the ability to work decreases, the activity of the immune system decreases, mood and memory deteriorate

7 Hormones That Control Our Emotions

7 Hormones That Control Our Emotions

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Substances that are produced by the endocrine glands play the role of chemical coordinators in the human body, ensuring the optimal mode of functioning of the organs and adjusting the subtle mechanism of their interaction. Not only the physical state of a person, but also his feelings and emotions depends on the minimum fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood

5 Myths About Surgeons

5 Myths About Surgeons

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Everyone can get sick. None of us is immune from a situation in which the help of a surgeon will be needed. In this case, the success of treatment will be directly related not only to the qualifications and skills of the doctor, but also to the degree of trust that will arise between him and the patient

5 Myths About Bronchitis

5 Myths About Bronchitis

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial mucosa) is one of the most common pathologies of the respiratory system. The disease can be acute or chronic. With proper treatment, acute bronchitis resolves in 10-12 days, but in the chronic version, an obsessive cough can torment the patient for several months

Why Does A Baby Bite The Breast: 6 Reasons

Why Does A Baby Bite The Breast: 6 Reasons

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Breastfeeding is not always straightforward. It happens that the baby starts to bite the breast, causing significant inconvenience to the mother. Some women even shorten the feeding period because of this, weaning their babies ahead of time. This result can be avoided if you understand the reasons that cause the baby to bite the breast, and eliminate them in time

Hair Extensions - Beauty Pitfalls

Hair Extensions - Beauty Pitfalls

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

What woman doesn't dream of beautiful and thick hair? While doctors were developing complex schemes for hair transplantation, a sensation occurred in the hairdressing industry several years ago - hair extension techniques appeared

12 Medicinal Plants That Can Be Harmful To Health

12 Medicinal Plants That Can Be Harmful To Health

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is widely believed among Russians that the use of plants with medicinal properties is completely safe. Unfortunately, this is not so. Making preparations from medicinal herbs at home, it is almost impossible to accurately determine the concentration of active ingredients. When taking such funds, small violations of the dosage accuracy are inevitable

How To Preserve The Eyesight Of A Student: 7 Simple Tips

How To Preserve The Eyesight Of A Student: 7 Simple Tips

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

From the moment a child becomes a schoolboy, his vision begins to undergo increased loads, which are complemented by watching cartoons and prolonged computer games. To keep the student's vision sharp, ophthalmologists advise to take into account several basic rules that will reduce the risk of eye diseases in a child

Stroke: 9 Interesting Facts About The Disease

Stroke: 9 Interesting Facts About The Disease

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Stroke is one of the most common human diseases; about 6 million cases of this pathology are recorded annually in the world. According to medical statistics, strokes occur almost three times more often than myocardial infarctions. The disease is severe, and has a disappointing result: mortality reaches 40% among women and 25% among men

Celandine Treatment: 6 Homemade Remedies

Celandine Treatment: 6 Homemade Remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Celandine (yellow milkweed, warthog) is a common plant, one of the most vicious weeds. Once settled on the site, he becomes practically indestructible, causing the gardener a lot of trouble. At the same time, celandine has long been used to treat a wide variety of ailments - from skin lesions to pathologies of internal organs

Destructive Behavior: 8 Ways To Manipulate Others

Destructive Behavior: 8 Ways To Manipulate Others

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Each of us periodically encounters people, communication with whom leaves a vague feeling of a certain constraint on our own subsequent actions. At the same time, we may not always be able to realize the cause of the discomfort, but we understand what we have done or agreed to do what we should not have done. This impression arises after a conversation with a person manipulating others

5 Ways To Lower Your Fever Without Medication

5 Ways To Lower Your Fever Without Medication

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

To reduce fever, doctors recommend taking antipyretics. Too frequent use of these drugs can lead to allergic reactions, as well as overdose. It also happens that antipyretics are simply not in the house. In these situations, it is appropriate to use non-drug, but no less effective ways to lower the temperature

9 Rules For A Healthy Spine

9 Rules For A Healthy Spine

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A lot depends on the state of the spine in the human body, because the spine is not only a support for the body, it is also a receptacle for the spinal cord, which is why problems with the spine are so dangerous. It is very difficult and time-consuming to treat diseases of the spinal column, it is much easier and more correct not to lead to the disease

5 Reasons To Start Nordic Walking

5 Reasons To Start Nordic Walking

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Walking with sticks (the so-called Scandinavian walking) was almost unknown to our compatriots for a long time. Today it is rapidly gaining popularity around the world. Interest in Scandinavian walking is primarily due to its beneficial effects on the human body

6 Reasons For Nightmares

6 Reasons For Nightmares

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

During a nightmare, a person sees himself in a dream in an extremely difficult, life-threatening situation. He wakes up suddenly, in a state of fear. Feelings of depression and anxiety persist throughout the day, interfering with work and normal communication. If these episodes are repeated frequently, mental disorders may develop. According to experts, there are 6 main factors for the occurrence of nightmares

Poisonous Plants In The Room, In The Country And In The Forest

Poisonous Plants In The Room, In The Country And In The Forest

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The information that many plants contain substances harmful to health has been possessed by mankind for many centuries. Vegetable poisons can cause severe poisoning, damage to the skin and mucous membranes, or respiratory depression

Note To The Hostess: 10 Products With The Longest Shelf Life

Note To The Hostess: 10 Products With The Longest Shelf Life

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The issue of food storage is one of the most important for any housewife. This is not surprising: not only the health and mood of our loved ones, but also the relationship between family members depend on the freshness and quality of food

10 Of The Most Famous Thermal Spas In The World

10 Of The Most Famous Thermal Spas In The World

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Any geothermal source has a unique water composition and temperature range, therefore each balneological hospital is designed for a specific set of ailments. Experience the features of ten of the most famous thermal spas

How To Avoid Cystitis: 7 Rules Of Conduct For Women

How To Avoid Cystitis: 7 Rules Of Conduct For Women

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cystitis, or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, is a very common disease, which, due to some structural features of the genitourinary system, women suffer about four times more often than men. No one can be insured against such a disease as cystitis, but the risk of its development is quite possible to minimize

8 Reasons To Go Cycling

8 Reasons To Go Cycling

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cycling is one of the best ways to improve your health and maintain optimal fitness. We will talk about its positive effect on the organs and systems of the human body in this article

8 Most Massive And Deadly Epidemics In History

8 Most Massive And Deadly Epidemics In History

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The history of mankind has several dozen epidemics, whose appearance was compared by eyewitnesses and historians to the end of the world. The most terrible of them took the lives of millions of people, razing entire nations to the face of the earth. What are they - terrifying diseases? Did the person manage to find a cure, or is he still powerless before the forces of nature?

5 Rules Of Behavior On Ice

5 Rules Of Behavior On Ice

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

New Year is on the doorstep. A long and eventful weekend awaits us. Someone is going to go to the resort, someone is going to take a walk with the children in the snowy forest, someone is going to visit or receive guests. Everyone dreams of relaxing and having fun during the holidays. However, there is a downside to New Year's entertainment: the workload of surgeons and traumatologists increases significantly. According to statistics, the number of injuries in winter almost d

7 Most Beneficial Vegetable Oils

7 Most Beneficial Vegetable Oils

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Vegetable oils are made by pressing from seeds, which, as a rule, contain biologically active and nutrients in high concentrations. That is why most vegetable oils have an extremely active effect on various systems of the human body and individual organs. Products of this kind have long been used for food, and are also widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes

8 Symptoms Of Kidney Failure

8 Symptoms Of Kidney Failure

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Renal failure is an acute or chronic impairment of the basic functions of the kidneys, leading to a large-scale failure of the water-salt, electrolyte and nitrogen balance in the body. Acute pathology can occur due to severe toxic damage (for example, poisoning with mushrooms, mercury or drugs), an infectious disease, traumatic or burn shock

6 Myths About Stretch Marks

6 Myths About Stretch Marks

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Stretch marks (stretch marks) are skin defects in the form of straight or wavy stripes from 1 to 10 cm long and 1-5 mm wide. In most women, striae are located on the abdomen, thighs, chest, or buttocks. In athletes, they can appear on the shoulders and inner surface of the forearms. In the initial stages of development, stretch marks are red or purple, but over time, their color fades, and the stripes become whitish, acquiring a pearlescent hue

7 Misconceptions About Vitiligo

7 Misconceptions About Vitiligo

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Vitiligo is a disease in which certain areas of the skin completely lose their coloring pigment (melanin). As a result, milky white spots with pronounced edges appear that stand out clearly against the general background. According to statistics, vitiligo affects 1 to 2% of the world's population