8 Health Benefits Of Blueberries

8 Health Benefits Of Blueberries
8 Health Benefits Of Blueberries

8 health benefits of blueberries

Summer is in full swing. The season for the collection and harvesting of wild berries, one of the healthiest foods, is coming. Today we will tell you about the healing properties of blueberries, the peculiarities of their collection and storage.

Blueberries: beneficial properties for the human body
Blueberries: beneficial properties for the human body

Source: pixabay.com

Antifungal and antiviral action

Ripe blueberries contain gallic acid. This is a unique substance with the strongest antiviral and antifungal activity. In addition, all parts of the plant (especially leaves and young shoots) are rich in tannins, which have a similar effect.

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of berries and leaves of blueberries are used for rinsing with inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity, as well as for washing poorly healing wounds and festering ulcers.

Rejuvenating effect

Blueberries contain a large amount of antioxidants (in particular anthocyanins, belonging to the group of bioflavonoids). Substances of this type help the body get rid of excess free radicals, promote the elimination of toxins, and have an immunostimulating and rejuvenating effect.

Brain support

The high concentration of gallic acid and antioxidants makes blueberries one of the best means of supporting the activity of the central nervous system. People who regularly eat these berries maintain a good memory and a high ability to concentrate longer.

Bilberry is widely recognized as an eye health and visual acuity product. It is necessary for persons whose professional duties are associated with long-term work at a computer monitor or studying documents.

Prevention of tumors

Recent clinical studies have shown that gallic acid and resveratrol in blueberries inhibit the growth of malignant cells in breast cancer. Berries improve the condition of patients with virtually no side effects. In addition, biologically active substances, which are rich in blueberries, strengthen the body's defenses and help patients withstand the unpleasant consequences of chemotherapy and radiation therapy more easily.

Improving digestion

Blueberries have a pronounced astringent effect. In folk medicine, fresh and dried berries are used as an antidiarrheal agent. Plant preparations relieve the unpleasant symptoms of enterocolitis, improve appetite.

There is evidence that wild blueberries contain substances that enhance the activity of beneficial intestinal microflora. It is clinically proven that daily consumption of one or two handfuls of berries during the week normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cardiovascular Support

The substances found in the shoots and berries of blueberries strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help maintain a healthy heart. The use of fruits helps to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

Weight correction

100 g of blueberries contains only 44 kcal. Berries have a low glycemic index and are rich in healthy fiber that stimulates intestinal function. Therefore, blueberries are quite suitable for inclusion in the diet of people seeking to lose excess weight.

In the young shoots of the plant, there is inositol, which has a hypoglycemic effect. Herbal raw materials are included in the composition of pharmacy fees for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Help for problem skin

The popularity of cosmetics containing blueberry extract is growing rapidly. It is believed that the substances that are rich in berries, normalize the skin and prevent the appearance of acne. Inside, blueberries are recommended for people suffering from dermatoses, eczema, lichen planus and psoriasis. Berries are also useful for viral diseases with skin manifestations. In addition, they contain resveratrol, which can improve the condition of skin exposed to prolonged exposure to UV rays.

A decoction of blueberry shoots and leaves is used to rinse hair in order to reduce its fat content. The product relieves irritation on the skin and reduces sweating of the feet and hands.

Bilberry shoots and leaves are harvested during the flowering period and dried in a well-ventilated area. The berries are harvested ripe, always in dry weather.

To prepare for storage, the following methods are used:

  • drying. The berries are placed in a special dryer and kept at 40 ° C until slightly dried. Then the temperature is increased to 70 ° C and dried to such a state that the fruits do not stain hands and do not stick together. You cannot wash berries intended for drying. Dried blueberries can be stored for up to two years;
  • fast freezing. Frozen berries retain their properties for 8-10 months;
  • extraction of juice. The berries are crushed (ideally, rubbed with a wooden pestle). The mass is squeezed out with a press. A little water is added to the cake and the spin is repeated to maximize the extraction of the coloring matter. Sugar (80 g per 1 l) is added to the resulting liquid, the mixture is heated to 80 ° C, poured into a sterilized container and rolled up. The juice must be diluted with water before use;
  • making "raw jam". The washed blueberries are placed in a sterilized glass jar, sprinkled in layers with granulated sugar (700-800 g per 1 kg of berries) and periodically shaken to seal. The container is sealed with a plastic lid. The product must be kept refrigerated.

Jam, jams, marmalades, marshmallows and other delicacies are also made from blueberries, but their preparation requires prolonged heating, which largely deprives the product of its useful properties.

Eating blueberries for food has very few contraindications. You should not feast on raw berries and abuse the dishes prepared from it for urolithiasis, diseases of the pancreas and individual intolerance. Excessive cravings for fresh blueberries can lead to constipation.

Shops now offer fresh and frozen blueberries almost all year round. As a rule, these are berries of cultivated varieties that are grown in specialized orchards. It is believed that wild blueberries have more pronounced healing properties, but they should be picked carefully. It is impossible to harvest plant raw materials in forest belts located near highways and railways, large settlements and industrial enterprises. It is important to remember that blueberries can absorb heavy metal salts and other harmful substances. If there is the slightest doubt about the quality, the presence of an uncharacteristic plaque on the surface of fruits or leaves, a strange smell, you should refuse to pick wild blueberries.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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