5 health benefits of mulled wine
A drink made from red grape wine heated with sugar and spices has been known for a long time. In the cold season, a glass of mulled wine is a great way to warm up and cheer up. However, mulled wine has more than just tonic properties. Today we will talk about its beneficial effects on human health.

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Increased life expectancy
Red wine is high in flavonoids, which are effective antioxidants. In addition, grape juice is rich in resveratrol, which activates the body's defenses and slows down the aging process of cells. No wonder there are so many long-livers among the population of areas with ancient traditions of winemaking. This substance is observed in maximum quantities in those grape varieties that are cultivated in more severe conditions and themselves have increased resistance to adverse climatic factors.
Enhancing the work of the brain
Mulled wine expands blood vessels and strengthens their walls, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood composition and rheological properties, and reduces the risk of blood clots. It has been found that the drink helps to cope with stress, calms and stabilizes the nervous system. Regular, moderate inclusion of mulled wine in the diet reduces the likelihood of strokes and Alzheimer's disease.
Weight correction
During the cold season, many people gain extra weight. This is facilitated by the use of more high-calorie food than in summer and a decrease in physical activity.
Mulled wine is rich in substances that normalize the functioning of the digestive organs and endocrine glands. The drink is especially beneficial for those who like high-calorie meals, because it helps the body to cope with the digestion of heavy foods and avoid the accumulation of excess fat.
Fight against pathogenic microflora
Mulled wine contains biologically active components that suppress the vital activity of some streptococci, namely those that provoke the development of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and caries. Therefore, warmed wine with spices is appropriate in the diet of patients prone to these ailments.
Help with colds
To relieve the symptoms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, patients are usually advised to drink plenty of warm drinks. Mulled wine can be added to fruit drinks, compotes and teas useful in this situation. This drink warms well, activates the immune system, adds strength, and the spices included in its composition soothe coughs.
Mulled wine is made from red table wine (dry, semi-sweet or sweet) with an alcohol content of no more than 16%. The classic recipe also includes water (about 15% of the wine's volume), cinnamon, cloves and a small amount of sugar. You can take other spices: grated nutmeg, black or allspice in grains, ginger root, cardamom, marjoram, saffron, barberry, anise seeds, etc. Sometimes sugar is replaced with honey (especially when preparing mulled wine for colds), flavoring the drink peel of an orange or lemon, enrich its taste with berries or fruits.
Mulled wine is usually prepared as follows:
- Pour the spices with water and bring the mixture to a boil, and then insist under the lid for 10 minutes.
- Filter the infusion, add sugar and pour in wine.
- The resulting mixture is slowly heated to 65-70 ° C, poured into ceramic dishes and insisted for another 10 minutes.
- Dried fruits, fresh fruits or berries are added.
When the mixture is heated, a significant amount of alcohol evaporates, it is saturated with the aroma of spices and becomes pleasant to the taste and useful. It is not recommended to reheat the drink: it can lose both taste and aroma. Mulled wine is prepared in small portions for immediate consumption.
The drink is not recommended for people with peptic ulcer disease and individual intolerance to red wine. If you are allergic to certain types of spices, they can simply not be included in the drink. Those who cannot drink alcohol (the elderly, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women) can make mulled wine based on red grape juice.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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