9 rules for a healthy spine
In the human body, a lot depends on the state of the spine, because the spine is not only a support for the body, but also a receptacle for the spinal cord. This is why spinal problems are so dangerous. It is very difficult and time-consuming to treat diseases of the spinal column, it is much easier and more correct not to lead to the disease. By following the rules outlined in the article, you can avoid most of the problems associated with the spine, including those that are considered age-related, but which are by no means inevitable.
The right conditions for sleep
In a dream, we spend a third of our lives, therefore it matters how the body feels at a given time. For the spine, a night rest in a horizontal position is very important, since this makes it possible to unload it - but only when the sleeping place is properly organized. If possible, the bed should be preferred to a folding sofa, the mattress should be semi-rigid, and the pillow should be orthopedic.

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Correct posture
In the remaining two-thirds of life from sleep, the spine performs hard work, supporting the body in an upright position, serving as a support for the musculoskeletal-articular apparatus and internal organs. Correct posture is the position of the body that makes it as easy as possible for the spine to function, providing support and softening external influences. Incorrect posture leads to malnutrition of the spinal tissues, their rapid wear, deformation, as well as compression of internal organs (as a result of which their functioning worsens).

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Doing posture exercises
Correct posture in a modern person is rarely formed spontaneously, since our way of life is by no means conducive to this. Sport can fix the situation. Most types of sports activity strengthen the muscles of the back, the so-called muscular frame - muscles that help keep the spine upright. The optimal sport for this is swimming, yoga and pilates are good. If it is not possible to attend training, then a person who does not have problems with the musculoskeletal system, it is enough to regularly perform a gymnastic complex, which includes exercises for stretching the back. If pathologies of the osteoarticular apparatus are still present, then an exercise therapy specialist (rehabilitation therapist) or an orthopedist should choose a set of exercises.

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Weight Loss
Each extra kilogram increases the load on the spine: the body redistributes large accumulations of fat in such a way that the load is not physiological for the spine. Overweight people will sooner or later face back pain. After losing weight, the former fat men feel extraordinary lightness and mobility not only due to the fact that heavy fat has gone, but also due to the restoration of the correct position of the spinal column. A slender figure (besides being more aesthetic) allows you to regain the joy of movement and get rid of chronic back pain.

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The right working environment
Many people at work take a forced position for a long time. Such a multi-hour load on certain parts of the spine leads to their overstrain. If it lasts for years, then degenerative processes occur in these departments, resulting in chronic pain syndrome and dysfunction of the spine. You can avoid this by properly organizing your workplace and workflow. The workplace should be as comfortable as possible, helping to maintain the spinal column in its most physiological position. During working hours, it is necessary to take breaks, giving the support apparatus a rest.

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Physical activity
The most correct from the point of view of human health in general and his musculoskeletal system in particular is an active, mobile lifestyle. When a person moves a lot, the position of the body changes, there is no stagnation in any one position that causes overload, the blood supply during movement is activated, the intervertebral discs are washed with intervertebral fluid, which protects them from drying out, the ligamentous apparatus retains its elasticity and elasticity. Man is created for movement, movement is life (and the above saying has a direct, not figurative meaning). You need to try to move more during the day, if possible, walk rather than ride, climb the stairs on foot rather than by elevator, not neglect walks and outdoor games.

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The right shoes
Bad shoes are often the cause of chronic back pain that a person can heal for years. Shoes should be comfortable - this is an axiom. You should not save on it, because cheap shoes are designed without taking into account the peculiarities of the foot, the legs in it get tired faster, the spine is overloaded and worn out. Another problem is the studs. Unfortunately, women tend to sacrifice convenience for beauty. If you don't want to give them up, you can wear high-heeled shoes occasionally, but stilettos are absolutely not suitable as everyday shoes.

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Relaxation technique
The spine needs not only rest at night, but also small breaks during the day. Such respite can be given simply by changing the usual position or performing a few simple exercises, but the most effective (and enjoyable) method is spinal relaxation techniques. Having mastered them, you can give the support apparatus a full rest in five minutes, which is not inferior in efficiency to several hours of sleep. The simplest relaxation technique is as follows: you need to lie on the floor or other flat hard surface, close your eyes and consistently relax the muscles, starting with the toes, gradually rise higher, reaching the muscles of the face. It is convenient to do this exercise with calm music: it contributes to better relaxation, but not only, because by choosing the suitable tracks in advance, you can set a certain relaxation time.

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Proper nutrition
It is very important that the body receives the required amount of all nutrients, for which the diet must be balanced. For example, bone requires calcium. But simply saturating the diet with foods containing calcium is not enough, since magnesium and phosphorus are essential for its absorption, and they, in turn, need other trace elements to be included in metabolism. Only the balance of macro- and microelements will ensure the correct metabolism. It should be understood that there are no vitamin complexes that can replace good nutrition without loss. Therefore, you should not hope that you can eat anything and everything, and then correct it by taking vitamins (even the most expensive ones). The diet must certainly contain dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs.

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The rules listed above help to keep the spine in a healthy state for as long as possible, but the attentive reader will certainly notice that there is nothing revolutionary or previously unknown about them. Good sleep, an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, good rest and a rational load on the support apparatus contribute to the health of the whole organism.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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