The scalpel is canceled! New approaches to surgery

For a long time, no one has questioned the value of their health, the need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, and clearly follow all prescriptions. But as soon as it comes to surgical treatments, most people feel anxious. The very nature of the procedure, its invasiveness, and the rehabilitation period are frightening. Today, in many cases, these fears are not justified. Of the one and a half million operations that are performed annually in Russia, almost half can be performed by the new laparoscopic method - practically without using a scalpel.
In recent decades, new approaches to surgery are increasingly replacing traditional ones. The advantages of modern technologies in surgery are already widely used in operations on the abdominal organs, in gynecology, urology and other areas of medicine. The essence of the method is that operations on internal organs are performed through small holes - an incision of only 10 mm is enough. And the main instrument in this case is an endoscope - a telescopic tube with a light source attached to a video camera. The method allows the doctor to get to the most inaccessible places and at the same time observe the entire course of the operation on the monitor.
“Practice has shown that the future belongs to laparoscopic operations,” says Eduard Gallyamov, professor, doctor of medical sciences, head of the surgical service at the MEDSI Clinical Hospital on Michurinsky Prospect. “The benefits of laparoscopy are clear. This is, first of all, low trauma, not as significant blood loss as with traditional intervention, absence of strong painful sensations, significantly lower risk to the patient's health, much shorter recovery period."
Another plus of laparoscopy is purely technical. The camcorder allows you to get high definition images. With the human eye, it is simply not possible to see the operational space so well, large and from the desired angle.

“Modern endoscopes can recognize what the surgeon's eyes cannot see. With the help of high-tech optical devices, it is possible to view the operation object from different sides, which means that the doctor has a much larger field of view than with traditional intervention. There is another compelling reason for the transition to new technologies. Previously, if surgery was required in a place that was hard to reach for a scalpel, the disease was considered practically incurable. Now what cannot be done with a scalpel can be done with an endoscope. Thus, thanks to new technologies, the ailments that doctors have learned to deal with have increased significantly,”says Eduard Gallyamov.
Laparoscopic treatments have already proven effective. The need for innovation in surgery is beyond doubt. They are gradually replacing the traditional method of open intervention and taking medical care to a higher quality level. Increasingly, patients in surgical departments are offered an alternative in the form of an endoscope. With this approach, the operation will soon become a routine medical procedure.
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