Antiperspirant deodorants: how to choose and use antiperspirants
The content of the article:
Characteristics of antiperspirant deodorants
- Active ingredients and mechanism of action
- Effect on the body
- How to choose a deodorant
Review of the best tools
- Odaban
- Maxim
- Klima
- Precautions
- Rules for the use of antiperspirant deodorants
- Video
Antiperspirant deodorants are considered one of the most effective and convenient remedies. Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is a fairly common problem, the relevance of which increases in the summer.
In severe cases, treatment is required, but most often it is enough to choose a pharmacy antiperspirant and learn how to use it correctly.

Deodorants are effective in relieving symptoms of increased sweating
Antiperspirant deodorants, antiperspirants, antiperspirant deodorants, and perfumed deodorants are among the antiperspirant and antiperspirant products.
Products such as talcum powder and body powder also absorb perspiration and have an indirect deodorizing effect. Long-term use of an aqueous solution of formalin, potassium permanganate solution, glutaraldehyde, tannin acid is not recommended, since they often lead to the development of allergic reactions.
Characteristics of antiperspirant deodorants
A deodorant is a cosmetic product designed to mask, weaken, or eliminate an unpleasant odor, and an antiperspirant is a product aimed at eliminating the cause of excessive sweating, as a result of which an unpleasant odor appears. However, today these concepts are considered almost identical.

Deodorants and antiperspirants are available from pharmacies or specialty stores.
Modern antiperspirants are produced in different forms: creams, pencils, gels, solutions, rollers, sprays, deodorant stones, lotions. They are sold in pharmacies and shops. Many of them are versatile and can be used by men and women on different parts of the body.

Some products are designed to be applied to specific areas, such as the feet
There are also specialized products designed to combat hyperhidrosis of a certain area: palms, feet, armpits, face, scalp, intimate area.
Active ingredients and mechanism of action
The following substances have an antiperspirant effect: salts of aluminum, zinc, iron, lead, bismuth, chromium, zirconium, as well as ethyl alcohol, tannins and some other compounds.

The main component of antiperspirant medicines is aluminum hydroxide.
Due to their astringent properties, when interacting with sweat components, they form insoluble compounds that cover the wall of the sweat gland canal. This process creates a mechanical barrier to perspiration.
Deodorant / antiperspirant compositions may further comprise:
- substances that inhibit the activity of bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor;
- perfume composition.
As a result, the product has a triple effect: it blocks the excretory ducts of the sweat glands, destroys pathogenic microorganisms and deodorizes the skin.
Effect on the body
According to the studies, the active substances of antiperspirants from increased sweating do not violate the function of the sweat glands: after the pore is blocked with an aluminum-protein complex from the outside, the evaporation of sweat is redirected to those areas where it occurs in normal volume more easily and is excreted from the human body with the help of the kidneys.
Deodorant application leaves the treated area dry, but it is important that perspiration does not increase in other areas of the body.
How to choose a deodorant
The composition of pharmacy antiperspirants includes different amounts of aluminum, which allows you to choose the most appropriate remedy depending on the severity of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.
Deodorants with a 20-30% aluminum content are recommended for severe pathology; for mild to moderate hyperhidrosis, 10-15% of the substance concentration is usually sufficient.
For sensitive skin, it is advisable to use water-based antiperspirants with a low concentration of aluminum. For use on the scalp, face, intimate areas, it is more convenient to use products in the form of a gel or cream.
Review of the best tools
One of the best remedies, according to reviews, is the Dry Dry antiperspirant for sweating, produced in Sweden by Lexima AB. It is intended for use in the armpits, palms and feet in moderate to profuse hyperhidrosis.

Most often, with increased sweating, the use of Dry Dry deodorant is recommended.
Dry Dry contains aluminum chloride hydrate and denatured alcohol. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by a number of studies covering women and men with different forms of the disease.
The TOP of the best products includes other time-tested and well-proven cosmetic products.
Manufactured in the UK. Bracey's Pharmaceutical was one of the first in the industry to develop medical antiperspirants. It is produced in the form of a colorless transparent liquid in 30 ml spray bottles. Contains 20% aluminum hydrochloride, ethanol, 1% dimethicone.

Odaban spray is applied 1–2 times a week
It belongs to the number of alcohol-based universal night-action products. Can be used for arms, legs, armpits, and other areas of the body that tend to sweat. Applied 1-2 times a week.
According to reviews, Odaban spray is an effective and popular remedy. This treatment option is chosen by people with heavy sweating in cases where other deodorants do not have sufficient therapeutic effect. Many responses indicate a fast and long lasting effect.
At the same time, it is often indicated that the antiperspirant causes severe irritation, for this reason, its use has to be abandoned.
Manufactured in the USA (Corad Healthcare). Available in the form of a colorless transparent liquid in vials with a volume of 29.6 ml.

Maxim can be used by people with delicate, sensitive skin
It is a water-based, alcohol-free roll-on antiperspirant. Can be applied to any areas of the body prone to excessive sweating.
Contains 15% aluminum chloride. Maxim is also available with a different amount of active substance:
- 30% (Dabomatic): used in case of severe hyperhidrosis;
- 10.8% (Sensitive): Low content of active ingredient allows the use of deodorant for people with delicate, sensitive skin.
Manufactured in the USA (Klima, LLC). Available in the form of a colorless transparent liquid in 50 ml spray bottles.

To achieve optimal effect, before using Klima, you must read the instructions
Contains 15% aluminum chloride and other active ingredients. Several types of antiperspirants are produced, in which the active ingredients are selected specifically for use on different parts of the body: in the armpits, for hands and feet.
The product is applied to washed and dry skin areas. In severe cases, the antiperspirant is recommended to be used daily for a week.
In order to achieve a good effect, it is important to choose the correct form of release and follow the instructions for use.
Despite all the undeniable benefits of medical deodorants, with their constant use, it is important to consider the likelihood of side effects. This is due to the fact that sweating is a normal physiological process that is responsible for maintaining the body's temperature regime.
One of the most common complications in the irrational use of medical deodorants is hydradenitis. This pathology is characterized by inflammation of the sweat glands blocked by an antiperspirant. Usually, hydradenitis develops in case of neglect of the rules of use.
Choose a deodorant with extreme care in the following cases:
- the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- puberty.
Rules for the use of antiperspirant deodorants
It is recommended to apply antiperspirants to well-dried skin after showering before bed. Do not use products on damaged and / or irritated areas. Antiperspirant should not be applied for 48 hours after removing hair from the affected area.
Rinse off the deodorant every night, even if the manufacturer promises a weekly protection. It is not recommended to wash it off earlier than 6 hours after application.
In some cases, local reactions develop when using antiperspirants:
Violation | Recommendations |
Itching or burning | Rinse off the product with water and maintain an interval of at least 24 hours before the next application. |
Hyperemia | Apply an emollient cream to the area of irritation. |
Severe irritation | The use of external preparations containing hydrocortisone is shown |
These activities cause excessive sweating, and the blockade of the excretory function by potent antiperspirants can lead to the development of undesirable consequences.

To reduce the likelihood of developing hyperhidrosis, it is recommended to control the emotional state
It is important to remember that even the smallest experience can increase sweating. Therefore, attention should be paid to controlling the emotional state, if necessary, engage in auto-training, relaxing breathing exercises.
If, despite all the measures taken, the problem of increased sweating is not resolved, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since in some cases hyperhidrosis is a symptom of serious diseases.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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