8 anti-aging products

Everyone will probably agree with this statement: "we are what we eat." Simple food that we eat every day can both kill us and prolong our life, make us more active and younger. This article provides a list of foods, the regular use of which can rejuvenate our body and body.
Researchers at the Columbia University of New York Hospital during the tests concluded that all dark grape varieties (purple, black, red) contain a unique component - quercetin. This pigment has a rejuvenating effect, stopping the division of atypical cells (especially cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and liver cells - hepatocytes). In addition, this pigment promotes the elimination of free radicals from the body - monoatomic oxygen, which causes the aging process of tissues, accumulating in them.
Although quercetin is not found in green and white grapes, they are nonetheless valuable. Green and white grapes repair the so-called collagen breaks - age-related changes in the middle layer of the skin that cause the formation of deep wrinkles.
Just look at how good and cheerful the inhabitants of the wine-growing regions look, in whose daily diet there is dry grape wine.
All teas (black, green, red and white) have youthful properties. The most important thing is to be able to properly prepare a drink so that the tea does not lose its beneficial qualities.
If you look in the tea guide, you can find out that the general rules for making tea are as follows: under no circumstances use metal utensils without a bioinert coating for brewing tea, do not pour boiling water over the tea, above 98 ° C, and do not store the brewed tea for more than an hour.
Oats and products made from it (flakes, rolled oats, oatmeal) are very useful for the human body. They saturate the liver with vital phospholipids and protect the mucous membranes of the entire gastrointestinal tract. In addition, oat products contain many B vitamins, without which a healthy metabolism is impossible.
According to recent studies, such a primordially Russian product as oatmeal jelly is very useful for people who begin to notice that they weigh more and more with age.
If you drink half a glass of oatmeal jelly before a meal, the body will not absorb almost a third of the calories obtained in the process of eating.
From the point of view of prevention of vascular sclerosis, blueberry is a unique product. It is known that human tissues and organs do not receive adequate nutrition due to decreased vascular function. This leads to a deterioration in the outflow of waste products, which, in turn, is the cause of rapid and early aging of the body.
So, just 150 grams of blueberries daily can fully provide vessels with all the necessary components to maintain their permeability and elasticity. In addition, blueberries are a powerful detoxifier. For example, if you have been taking antibiotics for a long period, which caused you such a side effect as diarrhea, include blueberries in your menu - it will remove all toxins and toxins from your intestines.
Vegetable oil
Almost any vegetable oil can prolong youth, thanks to the content of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that not only removes radicals from tissues, but also helps to normalize the level of sex hormones. And the normal level of sex hormones in the body is the main indicator of youth.
You should also know that the most useful vegetable oil is not olive oil. The most valuable oils are argan and pumpkin seed oil. The next most valuable is walnut oil. The daily rate of vegetable oil is one tablespoon.
Dairy products
It is a little known fact that fermented milk products (cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt) not only contribute to the formation of a healthy microbiological environment, but also affect the condition of the skin, nails and hair. This is especially true for homemade fermented milk products.

Homemade sour milk drinks can increase skin elasticity by 42%, improve healthy nails growth and reduce hair loss in just one week. Moreover, it is not vitamin A that is responsible for this, but a certain enzyme compound, still poorly understood.
Any rice (wild, brown, brown) has only one anti-aging function, but very important. Rice is a universal enterosorbent, that is, it is able to absorb toxins, preventing poisoning of the body. It is best to eat rice slightly undercooked and without salt.
But! Do not overuse rice, just 100-150 grams a couple of times a week.
Sea fish
The protein found in fish meat is a unique building material for the cells of the dermis. The density and health of the dermis protects our skin from gravitational deformation. It turns out that sea fish meat contributes to the elasticity of the skin of the body and face. In addition, sea fish contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, as well as vitamin D, which are necessary for our body. For an adult, it is enough to eat 0.5 kg of baked sea fish per day to prolong the youthfulness of their skin.
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