Home nail care

Home nail care can completely replace the salon one, if there is such a desire, or it can serve as an addition. In any case, well-groomed nails are only truly groomed when they are monitored regularly, preferably if not every day, then at least every other day. Therefore, it is home remedies that are very important, because not every woman can afford the luxury of spending time and money every two or three days to visit a manicure master. Of course, there are procedures that cannot be done at home, for example, correction of extended nails, but this is not required from home care, and the correction is needed much less often than other procedures - strengthening and nourishing.
So what does home nail care include? This is the maintenance in a clean and healthy form of both the nail plate itself and the tissues that surround it - the cuticles and skin near the edge of the nail. Taking care of your cuticles at home is a snap. For this you need any good hand cream and a special stick to push back the cuticle. Traditionally, an orange tree stick is used, as this wood is believed to have antiseptic properties. Every day, you need to rub a small amount of nourishing cream into the cuticle and gently move it with an orange stick towards the base of the nail.
Daily nourishing and moisturizing hand cream is also a homemade nail care product, and therefore should not be neglected if you want to have beautiful nails. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of hand cream, for this it is best to experiment with several brands and choose the one that will be most effective. It should be remembered that even the best cream needs to be changed from time to time, every two to three months.
An effective home care product for nails is hand baths with sea salt. This procedure strengthens the nail plate, saturating it with minerals, and therefore is popular with those who have weak, brittle and prone to flaking nails. Also, in order to strengthen the nail plate, the following procedure is recommended: take a lemon, cut it into two halves, and stick your nails into the pulp. Sit like this for 10-15 minutes. Treatment of nails with lemon juice allows you to saturate the skin and cuticles with vitamins, and is, in addition to strengthening, also a powerful nourishing agent.
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