Is nail extension harmful?

The beauty of the hands plays an important role in the female image, and the procedure of nail extension made it possible to have beautiful, well-groomed hands for everyone, without exception, even for those women who, by nature or for health reasons, have weak and brittle nails. Like any other manipulation with appearance, nail extension inevitably affects the health issue, but it turned out that, despite fears, there is practically no harm from extension, especially now, when much safer materials have been used for this purpose. On the contrary, the artificial coating allows the nail plate to get stronger, straighten, stop flaking.
Nevertheless, the harm of building up still takes place, and although it is small, there is still a need to periodically give the nails a rest. Damage to the nail is not even associated with the building itself, but with the preparation for it. The fact is that for better adhesion of the coating to the nail tissue, part of the nail plate is cut off, and, moreover, quite significant - up to 50%. At the same time, the risk of damage to the nail is great, although it largely depends on the experience and skill of the manicure master. Then the nail plate can be injured when the nail is removed, and if this happens, it is necessary to allow the nails to recover.
It is believed that nails that have undergone extensions do not need special care, except that they are corrected about once every two weeks. However, do not forget that hands and cuticles still need care, and therefore it is not worth canceling procedures such as baths and nourishing hand masks.
The substances that make up the artificial coating do not pose a health hazard if we talk about their local effect on the nail, even if it is half cut. Toxic substances that were previously used in the manufacture of building materials that destroyed the tissue of the nail are no longer used, they are replaced by neutral ones. However, acrylic fumes are toxic when inhaled, so the procedure must be carried out in a well-ventilated room, otherwise the damage to the build-up can be significant in people with increased individual sensitivity, as well as those who suffer from bronchial asthma - up to the development of anaphylactic shock.

Even if the extension went perfectly, and the nail under the coating is completely healthy, which is not always the case, you need to remember that it is still excessively thinned. Therefore, periodically, at least once every two years, it is necessary to remove the coating, allowing the nail plate to recover and renew itself completely, thus, the damage to the build-up will be completely eliminated, especially if all this time you actively take care of the recovering nails with the help of mineral baths, massage, compresses, etc. nourishing creams.
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