Up to what age to feed a baby
At a certain point, the mother is faced with the question of up to what age to breastfeed. The opinion of pediatricians on this matter reflects the official position of the World Health Organization. In addition, the mother listens to the advice of relatives, acquaintances and to her well-being. The question of the duration of breastfeeding must be approached as responsibly as possible. Your decision can affect your baby's health, family climate, and your career.
Until what time to feed the baby according to experts

The World Health Organization deals with the prevention of various diseases around the globe. Today breast milk is recognized by experts as the ideal product for providing all the nutrients for young children. Its presence in the diet helps children grow and develop.
The woman breastfeeds her baby according to natural physiological norms. Almost every mother can breastfeed her baby, provided she knows the correct information and has the support of doctors and family members. Until when do the experts of this organization recommend breastfeeding? Today there is a recommendation to carry out natural feeding only with breast milk during the first six months of a baby's life. Next, you need to start introducing complementary foods, according to a certain scheme. Then the woman breastfeeds the baby up to two years and even later. Thus, the infant receives both breast milk and other foods daily after six months.
After a year, the main sources of energy, vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are children's meals. Breast milk provides the baby with only a fraction of the valuable elements, supports his immune system and provides psychological protection. In general, it turns out that the experts of the World Health Organization, when asked to what age to breastfeed, answer: "at least up to two years."
Up to what age do domestic doctors recommend breastfeeding
Of course, Russian medicine is guided by the expert balanced opinion of the scientific community. Therefore, today the main recommendation of most of our pediatricians is to continue breastfeeding for up to two or even three years. However, traditionally in our medicine since Soviet times, there is another opinion. According to this point of view, the question of up to what age to breastfeed can be given an unambiguous answer - "up to a year." Moreover, the most important period is the age of the newborn. At this point, the baby clearly needs breast milk. Further, up to four months, this need remains almost in full. But later it becomes somewhat smaller. Therefore, it is advisable for a woman to breastfeed her baby for at least the first four months after giving birth.
Some doctors in Russia are quite skeptical about natural feeding after a year. Sometimes mothers are advised to give it up if the baby is already twelve months old. The opinion of up to what age to breastfeed in our country has been forming for decades. It is formed on the basis of not only knowledge about the natural needs of the baby, but also taking into account the interests of the mother and the state. In fact, this opinion is quite balanced. After all, the social role of a woman is never limited only to motherhood, and the load on the body in connection with feeding is very high.
When deciding before what time to breastfeed a baby, do not forget that long periods of breastfeeding in a woman's life can eventually cause bone fractures without injury, pituitary neoplasms and some problems with the mammary gland. Breastfeeding depletes the resources of the mother's body if she does not receive adequate nutrition and is forced to combine child care with work. These risks are absolutely justified only until the child is one year old.
What to consider when deciding before what time to breastfeed
There is no ready-made solution in each specific case. The decision to continue breastfeeding is made by the mother. Some points must be taken into account when determining up to what age to breastfeed. The main thing is always the well-being of the baby and his readiness for weaning.
Some children in a year and even later still cannot eat most of the necessary foods in the diet. If for some reason you postponed the start of complementary feeding, or did not introduce meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, then breastfeeding should be continued for some time.

Up to what age to feed a child, his behavior will also show. If during the day the baby eats the dishes of the usual diet and does not ask for breast, and he needs his mother's milk only before bed, then the baby can already be tried to wean. The reason for the refusal of natural feeding can be the mother's poor health, the need to carry out long-term drug treatment of any of her diseases.
Also, the onset of a new pregnancy sometimes requires refusal to feed. In our society, women study and work a lot. Often up to what age to breastfeed is determined by the need to return to professional activity or study. Consult a specialist, you may be able to continue to feed the baby in these conditions, simply leaving fewer attachments to the breast.
A woman breastfeeds her baby according to natural laws of nature. By listening to yourself, you will surely understand if it is time to wean your baby. The decision until what time to breastfeed should be made independently, and not under pressure from relatives and friends. Evaluate the baby's health, development, psychological state. Consider your interests as well: health, employment, material well-being. The gradual withdrawal from breastfeeding at the age of a child from one to three years is likely to be painless and without prejudice to the health and relationship of the mother and baby.
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