Prevention of thrush

Thrush, or vaginal candidiasis, is a disease that is not fatal, but it can greatly poison the existence. The most common symptoms of thrush are as follows: itching, burning sensation in the vagina, abundant liquid discharge, sometimes having a specific "yeast" smell, sometimes swelling of the external genital organs, pain and sharp burning sensation in the genital tract after intercourse. Alas, these symptoms are familiar to too many women. In order to prevent thrush, you need to know the causes of its occurrence.
Thrush is an infectious disease, but its causative agent, the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans, is normally present in the body, being part of the healthy microflora of the vagina. When the balance of microorganisms is disturbed, yeast-like fungi begin to multiply excessively, leading to the onset of a disease - thrush. Imbalance of microflora, or dysbiosis, is a consequence of a weakened immune system, and in turn, leads to an even greater weakening of the immune system. It turns out a vicious circle, in the center of which a thrush blooms. Thus, the prevention and elimination of dysbiosis will be the main prevention of thrush.
What causes dysbiosis? The most common cause is the abuse of antibacterial drugs. Unfortunately, people too often prescribe their own treatment with potent drugs, having heard about them in advertisements or from acquaintances. Not considering it necessary to consult a doctor, for example, for a cold, they prescribe themselves antibiotics or sulfonamides, thereby destroying the microflora of not only the vagina, but also the intestines and the oral cavity. The second cause of thrush in adults is diabetes mellitus. Prevention of thrush in these cases consists in proper treatment: restoration of microflora with probiotics and prebiotics in the first case, and correction of carbohydrate metabolism in the second.

It is mistakenly believed that thrush is a gynecological disease, since only women are susceptible to it. This is not true. Thrush often affects young children, and thrush occurs in men. Prevention of thrush in infants consists in careful observance of the rules of hygiene, since the microbial balance in babies is still very fragile, and any trifle, such as an unboiled nipple, can disrupt it. Thrush in men, as a rule, occurs when the immune system is weakened: with diabetes mellitus, other general diseases, violation of personal hygiene rules, and also if the sexual partner is sick with thrush. Elimination of these factors, as well as the use of barrier contraceptives during intercourse, will be the most effective prevention of thrush in men.
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