Thrush During Lactation - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Thrush During Lactation - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention
Thrush During Lactation - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Thrush during lactation

One of the most common health problems in young mothers is thrush during lactation. Thrush is an infectious disease caused by microscopic yeasts of the genus Candida. These microorganisms are opportunistic. This means that fungi of this genus are part of the normal flora of the oral cavity, vagina, and intestines. Only in the case of a decrease in immunity, Candida fungi begin to multiply too actively. Then the first symptoms of thrush appear.

Thrush during lactation is harmful to the health of the child and leads to the development of candidiasis
Thrush during lactation is harmful to the health of the child and leads to the development of candidiasis

In medical practice, this disease is often called candidiasis. Candidiasis affects both men and children, but it is most common among women. Hormonal imbalance contributes to the development of thrush, especially its vaginal form. Because of this, candidiasis occurs in half of pregnant women. Thrush during lactation worries more than a third of all mothers. Indeed, breastfeeding is supported by high levels of the pituitary hormone prolactin. Ovarian function remains suppressed during the first months after delivery due to its high concentration. Estrogens common for the female body, gestagens are produced in small doses. All this leads to a relative hormonal imbalance and a decrease in immunity, especially local. In this case, candidiasis of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs may develop.

Why is thrush dangerous during lactation?

Thrush during breastfeeding must be treated without fail. This disease depletes the mother's body, contributes to psychological discomfort and a decrease in the quality of sex life.

Thrush during lactation can harm the baby. Mother's candidiasis leads to baby's candidiasis. Thrush of the mucous membranes in newborns is considered a common problem in pediatrics. In severe cases, this disease prevents the baby from growing and developing. Some remedies for thrush during lactation can also harm the baby. Therefore, only a trained specialist should prescribe treatment.

Manifestations of thrush during lactation

With thrush of the external genital organs in women, the infection affects the surface of the labia minora and the vagina. Thrush during lactation manifests itself in the same way as in other periods of life.

Symptoms can be persistent and distressing. Often, manifestations intensify after intercourse. The most characteristic signs of candidiasis of the external genital organs are severe itching, burning in the vaginal area, abundant white cheesy discharge, pain during intercourse and urination. Sometimes the discharge is not very noticeable. In this case, a woman may mistake thrush during lactation for cystitis or inflammation of the urethra.

The appearance of any of the listed complaints should be the reason for contacting a gynecologist. A nursing mother usually sorely lacks the time and energy to take care of herself and visit a doctor. However, self-medication is especially dangerous with thrush during breastfeeding. Many medicines are contraindicated in this situation because of the potential hazard to the infant.

Diagnosis of thrush during lactation

Thrush during lactation may have a blurred clinical picture. To clarify the diagnosis and determine the tactics of treating thrush during lactation, contact your gynecologist at the antenatal clinic or medical center.

The doctor will take the biological material with a swab from the vaginal wall. Next, a bacteriological study will be performed. During this laboratory analysis, the material obtained from the vagina is placed on a special nutrient medium. After a certain time, the doctor, the laboratory assistant, will assess the colonies of microorganisms that have grown on plates with a nutrient chromogenic medium. Candida fungi and other infectious agents can be identified with a high degree of certainty. The colonies will then be treated with all of the most common antifungal drugs. This will make it possible to assess which of the medications would be appropriate to use for the treatment of thrush in each specific case.

Treatment of thrush during lactation

Treatment for thrush during lactation is limited, since many medications have a bad effect on the baby. Thus, widely used fluconazole preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. This means that even if you have already drunk Flucostat, Diflucan, Mikosist before, now you will have to give up them during breastfeeding. All tablet drugs enter the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract, and from there into breast milk in a large dose. Therefore, taking capsules and tablets for the treatment of thrush during lactation is usually not recommended. Of the tablets, only Pimafucin is allowed to be taken. It is this medicine that is absolutely safe for the baby, according to medical research.

It can be treated locally with cream or suppositories. Candles Betadine, Iodoxide, Hexicon, Terzhinan, Livarol, Pimafucin do not affect the child. These medications are used in a standardized manner and are considered effective for treating lactating thrush. Local treatment can also be carried out with such traditional means as douching with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, calendula, or a solution of soda.

Prevention of thrush in nursing mothers

It is not recommended to take capsules and tablets for the treatment of thrush during lactation
It is not recommended to take capsules and tablets for the treatment of thrush during lactation

Proper nutrition, including foods with live lactic acid cultures, is considered a good prevention of candidiasis. Such food is natural yogurt, kefir, leaven. Eating propolis, garlic, lingonberries, and grapefruit can be called a prophylactic against thrush during lactation. All confectionery, bananas, grapes, fructose should be excluded from the diet.

Also, prevention can include the use of only high-quality cotton underwear. Synthetic materials impede the access of oxygen, which means they contribute to the disruption of the normal flora of the vagina.

Avoid self-medication with antibiotics to prevent thrush during breastfeeding. These drugs disrupt the intestinal microflora and all mucous membranes of the body, thereby provoking candidiasis.

Sometimes thrush in a nursing mother recurs after treatment due to the fact that the sexual partner has candidiasis. To avoid recurrence of the disease, both a woman and a man in a couple should receive treatment for thrush.

Thrush during lactation is common and requires mandatory treatment by specialists. See a doctor to keep you and your baby healthy.

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