Correction Of Child Behavior

Correction Of Child Behavior
Correction Of Child Behavior

Correction of child behavior

Methods for correcting child behavior
Methods for correcting child behavior

Unfortunately, more and more modern children are subject to various psycho-emotional deviations, which can manifest themselves at different ages and be expressed in aggressive behavior and inadequate reaction to others. In such situations, immediate correction of the child's behavior is required. Correction is understood as the activity of a specialized specialist who first observes the child's behavior, drawing certain conclusions, and then, through counseling, trainings, role-playing and developmental games, provides the child with the necessary psychological assistance.

With the help of a certain set of methods of psychological influence, the child psychologist tries to change and, in the course of work, correct the child's behavior pattern.

As a result of work on correcting aggressive behavior in children, not only does the child's adaptability in society increase, but also the aggressiveness and psychoemotional load on the child's body are reduced to a normal level.

Correction of aggressive behavior in children

Every parent can face aggressive child behavior. The main thing in such a situation is to show attention and care, and not to aggravate the situation even more with retaliatory aggression and irritability. Child psychologists working on correcting a child's behavior argue that aggressiveness is nothing more than a protective reaction of the child's psyche to emotional instability and the impact of external negative factors.

A child simply cannot cope with an excess of accumulated negative emotions on his own, therefore, with the help of aggressive behavior, he gives a signal, first of all to his parents, that he needs help. If, as a result of observing the child's behavior, you noted such symptoms as excessive anxiety, irritability, irritability, intractability, resentment, stubbornness or constant hostility to others, then most likely your baby needs professional help.

In case of disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere, the child may face such problems as:

  • Psychological trauma and deviations, which are expressed in emotional instability. In this case, without behavior correction, the child gets used to negatively perceive himself and others, as a result, he develops inadequate self-esteem and the level of irritability increases;
  • Deviations of a behavioral nature are expressed in the presence of difficulties in interaction in society. Without appropriate correction of aggressive behavior, children develop maladjustment, and there is also no positive projection for the future. In other words, the child withdraws into himself and gradually turns into a sociopath;
  • Neurological abnormalities that arise and progress against the background of other disorders, for example, impaired attention or weak memory, can also become a signal for contacting a specialist for correcting the child's behavior.

The main stages and methods of correcting the child's behavior

Perhaps the main goal of observing a child's behavior and its further correction is to develop the ability to adequately assess the surrounding situation and the ability to self-control in the future. In the process of correcting the child's behavior, the specialist solves the following tasks:

  • decrease in the level of psycho-emotional stress;
  • learning to respond appropriately to others, anger suppression techniques and self-control;
  • reducing anxiety;
  • the formation of a positive assessment of yourself and others.

    The main stages of correcting aggressive behavior in children
    The main stages of correcting aggressive behavior in children

Currently, individual and group lessons are considered the most effective way to correct aggressive behavior in children. At the initial stage of therapy, a child psychologist, observing the child's behavior, gets to know him better and tries to establish contact in order to relieve tension in further communication and earn the child's trust. Further, to analyze deviations in the child's behavior, the psychologist uses questionnaires or tests, including images.

After the specialist has collected all the necessary material and analyzed the psycho-emotional state of the child, the stage of behavior correction begins directly. Almost all child psychologists believe that developmental games, as well as group activity, are the best methods for correcting a child's behavior. At the final stage of work with emotionally unstable children, the specialist analyzes the results obtained during the final testing and uses them, if necessary, to draw up a program for further individual therapy.

To assess the success of the child's behavior correction, conversations and the so-called drawing associative tests are used. These tools help to identify the level of aggressiveness, as well as the presence or absence of a negative reaction in the child to the people around him. It should be noted that in order to achieve successful results, the correction of aggressive behavior in children must be systematic, not episodic.

In addition, not only a specialist, but also parents should provide psychological help and support to a child while working to correct his behavior. Otherwise, even a highly qualified child psychologist will not be able to achieve sustainable results, and your child will continue to suffer from emotional instability and mental disorders.

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