Taking Birth Control Pills

Taking Birth Control Pills
Taking Birth Control Pills

Taking birth control pills

Taking birth control pills correctly
Taking birth control pills correctly

Pills to prevent unwanted pregnancies were synthesized in the second half of the 20th century. When women started taking birth control pills, their effectiveness was immediately proven, which to this day is not subject to any doubts.

Taking birth control pills correctly

Birth control pills contain hormones that are produced in the ovaries during the childbearing age of women. The menstrual cycle has two phases: growth and maturation. Exactly in the middle of the cycle, one phase changes to another due to ovulation - the appearance of an egg that can be fertilized. Ovulation does not occur with birth control pills. Since there is no egg cell, fertilization becomes impossible. No additional contraceptive measures are required while taking birth control pills. From the very first pill, hormones enter the bloodstream, canceling the work of the ovaries. The question of whether you can get pregnant while taking birth control pills has a positive answer only in one case: after repeatedly skipping a dose.

Types of birth control pills

There are pills containing hormones of only the second phase of the cycle: gestagens. They suppress the first phase, due to which ovulation is inhibited.

The daily preparations, the so-called mini-pills, are specially designed for breastfeeding women. Take mini-pills exactly on schedule. Although the question of whether it is possible to take contraceptive pills for nursing mothers is not worth it today, it is still better to choose other methods of contraception. A half-hour delay in taking the next pill reduces the effectiveness by 50%.

Combined contraceptive pills are classified into low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose based on the amount of hormones. The drugs are prescribed by a doctor who is guided by certain criteria.

Selection of contraceptive pills

The doctor determines whether it is possible to take birth control pills for certain diseases. Low-dose drugs are considered the most modern, but their use is associated with unwanted complications. Since the small amount of hormones in the blood in many women is not enough for the normal regulation of the cycle, uterine bleeding in the middle of the month is possible.

High-dose drugs are daunting in their name. Nobody wants to take "horse doses". The first hormonal drugs were designed for their intended purpose, exclusively for contraception. However, it soon became clear that hormonal pills have a host of beneficial "side effects" that soon became mainstream, and contraception became a free supplement to treatment.

Can you take birth control pills?

Combined contraceptive pills regulate female hormonal levels, moreover, without spending the body's own resources. A sufficient content of female hormones in the blood cancels their production in the ovaries. When taking birth control pills, follicles do not grow or burst, remaining in a state of reserve. So what follows from this, is it possible to get pregnant by taking birth control pills intermittently? It is possible, moreover, that infertility is treated with contraceptive pills. Taking a break from birth control pills causes one or two eggs to be released, so it is even possible to conceive twins.

Prevention of gynecological disorders:

  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the appendages pass into the stage of stable remission;
  • The fertile period ends at a genetically determined period (taking birth control pills by itself does not prolong youth), but the extinction passes without climacteric disorders;
  • Ovulatory pains disappear, since the very fact of ovulation is excluded;
  • Premenstrual syndrome is imperceptible, since the constant concentration of hormones in the blood negates any of its manifestations.

Often, patients ask the question, is it possible to take contraceptive pills with uterine fibroids, will it not aggravate the severity of the disease?

No, it won't make it worse. On the contrary, if you correctly determine which birth control pills to take, the growth of fibroids will stop, which will undoubtedly be evidenced by ultrasound.

Treatment with contraceptive pills is recommended for adenomyosis, when hormonal agents are indispensable. If pills are taken on time, the disease stops progressing. The reason lies on the surface - the foci of additional menstruation disappear, in view of the absence of menstruation themselves. Because when taking birth control pills, not monthly, but regular uterine bleeding occurs, due to the abolition of hormonal pills.

Correction of hormonal balance

The correct hormonal balance determines not only timely menstruation, but regulates the functioning of the entire female body. Of no small importance is not so much the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills, but how to get rid of cosmetic defects such as acne or male-pattern hair.

The correct selection of the drug guarantees getting rid of such problems. In this case, taking birth control pills cancels the synthesis of its own androgens, as a result, the growth of hair on the chin, in the mustache and on the legs stops. It is important to decide: what kind of birth control pills to take, with what ratio of hormones. In addition, female hormones are the best protectors against cardiovascular disease.

What birth control pills to take

To decide which pills to choose, you need to consult a doctor, the same drug has a different effect on different women. The pills used by a neighbor or best friend can be harmful. Incorrect hormone levels do not have the desired effect, and taking contraceptive pills has the only effect - contraceptive, as in the last century.

When prescribing contraceptive pills, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • Age;
  • The presence or absence of children;
  • Can I take birth control pills for more than a year
    Can I take birth control pills for more than a year


  • The presence of endocrine diseases;
  • The patient's personal qualities are character traits that indicate the predominance of female or male hormones.

How long should you take a break from taking birth control pills?

There is an opinion that you definitely need to rest from hormonal pills, because they put a strain on the body. In fact, they unload the body, so a break in taking hormonal pills is done only for the purpose of pregnancy. The instructions for hormonal contraceptives indicate that a break in taking the contraceptive pill is necessary for one week - this time is allocated for regulated periods. If, for some reason, it is necessary to exclude the period of menstruation, birth control pills should be taken daily, without interruption. So menstruation is postponed: for a period of rest at sea or sports competitions.

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