Where Is It Better To Give Birth: At Home Or In The Hospital

Where Is It Better To Give Birth: At Home Or In The Hospital
Where Is It Better To Give Birth: At Home Or In The Hospital

Where is it better to give birth: at home or in the hospital

Where is the best place to give birth
Where is the best place to give birth

Twenty years ago, the question of where it is better to give birth - at home or in the hospital, did not even occur to me. It was possible to give birth at home only if the birth occurred prematurely, which was considered an emergency, and all the same, the mother with the baby was brought to the hospital for observation.

Times have changed. A trend called "natural parenting" has become popular. His supporters, when asked where it is better to give birth, unequivocally answer: "only at home." And put forward good reasons:

  1. Being in a medical institution for a natural reason is nonsense. Nature is destined for a woman to give birth, so medical intervention is unnecessary. You don't run to the doctor when you want to eat, do you?
  2. Loud noise, nervousness of the woman in labor, too bright light directed at the baby who has just come into the world, the unceremonious treatment of him by the hospital staff, early cutting of the umbilical cord, and taking away from the mother in the very first minutes of life. "Natural parents" believe that such a birth process causes irreparable trauma to the newborn, affecting throughout the rest of his life.

Therefore, the question of where is the best place to give birth is considered in such circles once and for all decided. Where a woman is familiar and familiar, surrounded by close people, that is, at home. At the same time, it is believed that any woman, relying on instinct, will unmistakably follow the voice of nature when her time comes.

Now let's look at another point of view, a medical one.

The stories that everything always goes right in childbirth is a myth. It is enough to take the biography of any famous person who lived 200 years ago to stumble upon a mention of death in childbirth. It is because of the high mortality in childbirth that women in labor in the civilized world receive medical assistance.

Where is the best place to give birth
Where is the best place to give birth

Proponents of natural parenting invite a midwife who shares their views to the birth, but this is usually a person who does not have sufficient training. If something goes wrong during childbirth, she will not be able to provide qualified assistance. All the arguments of the adherents of home birth are broken up against a single story about how, through the fault of their own parents, who decided to give birth at home, a child died, who only had an umbilical cord entanglement during childbirth.

Nevertheless, no one has the right to deny you the choice of where it is better to give birth - at home or in the hospital.

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