When a colostomy bag is needed

In some cases, it is necessary to turn off the lower intestine from the gastrointestinal tract. Most often this is a temporary condition when a certain period of time is needed in order for the intestines to heal and heal. Sometimes it is a constant need if the lower intestine has ceased to function. In these cases, surgery is performed, during which the intestine is cut and the damaged part is removed. After that, the upper part of the intestinal tube is brought to its side, and an artificial opening is formed there for the removal of intestinal contents, which is called a stoma.
A colostomy bag is connected to the stoma. This is necessary because the stoma does not contain the necessary muscle fibers in order to inhibit the process of bowel movement, as it does in the natural state. Intestinal contents through the stoma are constantly excreted, and the patient cannot control this. It is easy to imagine what the life of a person forced to live with a stoma would turn into if there were no colostomy bags. At the very least, he would have been bedridden.
The colostomy bag allows you to collect constantly released intestinal contents so that others do not notice anything unusual at all, and the patient himself eventually ceases to notice it. What is a colostomy bag? This is a special bag that has the necessary fixtures to be attached to the stoma. Despite the fact that people are frightened by the very idea that intestinal contents will be constantly released, modern colostomy bags allow for maximum comfort.
Сonvatec, Сoloplast, Abrucel - all these are the names of companies producing a new generation of colostomy bags. They are easy to use, not only liquid, but also odor out, flat, take up little space, do not rustle when moving, and are very reliable in use. Such a colostomy bag, fixed under clothing, is completely invisible. In addition, each of the

self-respecting manufacturers of colostomy bags also produces stoma care products. For example, such an agent is an adhesive paste, which fills in the skin irregularities at the stoma site, which makes it possible to seal the colostomy bag and prevent skin irritation at the site of attachment.
Of course, no one will say that living with a colostomy bag is better than without it. But, at least, living with a modern colostomy bag made by a good company is not at all as sad as it might seem at first.
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