What Tests Are Needed For Pregnant Women

What Tests Are Needed For Pregnant Women
What Tests Are Needed For Pregnant Women

What tests are needed for pregnant women

What tests are needed for pregnant women
What tests are needed for pregnant women

In order to exclude complications of pregnancy and get more information about the condition of the mother and her baby, almost immediately after conception, the gynecologist prescribes a series of studies - analyzes. Tests for pregnant women can reduce the likelihood of possible deviations during pregnancy, and in case of developmental defects, warn future parents about this.

The first meeting of a woman with a doctor, which means that the first tests should take place at a gestation period of up to 12 weeks. The expectant mother will be asked to do a clinical blood test - in order to find out the level of hemoglobin, urine analysis, analysis for HIV infection, as well as for the detection of viral hepatitis B. At about the same time, it is advisable to carry out the first screening - a biochemical blood test, which allows to determine the presence in the body a pregnant woman of certain markers, substances "talking" about such pathologies as Down's syndrome, anomalies in the development of the neural tube. Screening in itself does not make a diagnosis, but only confirms its likelihood.

An ultrasound or ultrasound screening is performed every trimester of pregnancy. It allows you to identify most malformations and anatomical developmental defects. In the early stages, ultrasound allows you to establish a uterine and developing pregnancy, to listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Also tests for pregnant women include urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, coagulogram, geostasiogram, analysis for antibodies to rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis, CMV, antibodies to rhesus, a blood test for Wasserman's reaction - to exclude the diagnosis of syphilis, smears for infections.

Additional tests for pregnant women, used if necessary: urine analysis for chorionic gonadropin, hormones,

Tests for pregnant women can reduce the likelihood of possible pathologies
Tests for pregnant women can reduce the likelihood of possible pathologies

Zemnitsky's test, blood sugar test, electrocardiogram, cardiac monitoring, roentgenopelvoimetry, examinations by a cardiologist, urologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, medical geneticist, etc..d.

Analyzes for pregnant women are assessed during visits to the doctor in combination with a general examination - measuring pressure, abdominal circumference, height of the bottom of the uterus, weighing. Of course, it is better to treat examinations without fanaticism, but with a certain degree of seriousness - after all, it is they that give a pregnant woman the confidence she needs so much in a favorable outcome.

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