Is There A Cure For Cancer

Is There A Cure For Cancer
Is There A Cure For Cancer

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Is there a cure for cancer

Is there a cure for cancer
Is there a cure for cancer

There is a strong belief that there is no cure for cancer. This opinion is not entirely correct, it would be more accurate to say so - a cure for cancer, or rather, for some of its types, especially in its neglected form, has not yet been found. Doesn't that sound much less hopeless? But this is the true truth.

Cancer is not one disease, it is a group of diseases that differ significantly from each other in their manifestations and in their ability to heal, or, as doctors say, curability. One thing unites these diseases - the appearance of poorly differentiated, that is, underdeveloped cells that are not able to perform the functions that are characteristic of ordinary cells. Depending on many factors, these cells can be more aggressive, quickly spreading throughout the body, and "infecting" other tissues, or less aggressive, staying in one place for years.

Non-aggressive forms of cancer are successfully cured by modern cancer drugs, even at advanced stages. But with aggressive ones it is more difficult. Almost all types of malignant tumors can now be cured if a tumor is found at the very beginning of its development. In the case of aggressive forms of cancer, this is very difficult to do, since internal tumors at an early stage often do not manifest themselves in any way, and meanwhile they spread very quickly. The trouble is that patients with such diseases go to the doctor even when the symptoms cannot be ignored, and when homemade "weed-poison" did not help. In the case of malignant tumors, this is usually an advanced stage.

It is possible and necessary to resist this. For this, the so-called screening methods of early diagnosis have been adopted, that is, those that allow you to quickly and reliably conduct the necessary examinations in persons at risk. Such methods are used at every visit to the doctor, even for a completely different reason. The adoption of screening methods made it possible to drastically reduce the number of deaths from the most common forms of cancer, mind you - not to reduce the number of cancer cases, this figure is growing all over the world, but to reduce the number of deaths, that is, to cure.

Has a cure for cancer been found
Has a cure for cancer been found

For example, currently, breast cancer treatment in Israel has about 90% recovery. The reason for this is mammography, which is performed here for women over 40 years old every year. A tumor is detected when a woman does not yet suspect about it, but most importantly, when it is not simply curable, but relatively easy to treat. Sometimes a mastectomy is not even required; often, simply removal of the tumor itself and postoperative therapy is sufficient.

So there are cures for cancer, and there are many. It's up to diagnostics.

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