Was There A Miscarriage: Stages And Signs Of Abortion

Was There A Miscarriage: Stages And Signs Of Abortion
Was There A Miscarriage: Stages And Signs Of Abortion

Was there a miscarriage

A miscarriage may occur in the first weeks of pregnancy, but the woman may not be aware that she was pregnant. A miscarriage is a serious stress on the hormonal and immune systems of the female body.

Was there an early miscarriage
Was there an early miscarriage

Failure of pregnancy (miscarriage) before a delay in the menstrual cycle usually occurs due to a violation of the process of implantation of embryonic cells into the endometrial cavity at the very beginning of pregnancy. With such a failure, menstruation occurs with a slight delay or on time, so it is difficult for a woman to understand whether there was a miscarriage. At the same time, all the signs of pregnancy that could already appear are most often taken by a woman for symptoms of ordinary premenstrual syndrome. No one knows exactly how often miscarriages occur in the first or second week of pregnancy. However, whether there was a miscarriage, some symptoms can still be determined.

Signs of miscarriage at 2 weeks gestation

To understand if there was a miscarriage in early pregnancy, you need to listen carefully to your body. In many women, a miscarriage is accompanied by heavy menstrual flow with blood clots. Sometimes in them you can see individual fragments of a pearl-gray fruit egg.

Blood after a miscarriage at the very beginning usually has a brownish tint. With increased bleeding, spotting becomes bright scarlet. Bleeding during miscarriage can be moderate or very intense.

Blood after a miscarriage can be shed for one to two weeks. With prolonged bleeding, it is imperative to consult a doctor so that the pregnancy can be maintained.

To find out if there was a miscarriage, a blood test will help. Plasma hCG levels remain high for up to ten days after the miscarriage. You can determine the level of hCG at home using a conventional test. Even a barely noticeable second strip may indicate that there was a pregnancy.

Measuring basal temperature will also help determine if there has been a miscarriage. A frequent sign of miscarriage at 2 weeks of gestation is considered to be a decrease in basal temperature to normal.

The termination of pregnancy can be accompanied by pain. The pain may appear and disappear again. With miscarriage, pain most often affects the abdomen and back.

However, it is impossible to accurately determine whether there was a miscarriage only by painful sensations. Indeed, in some cases, fetal rejection is completely painless.

The main stages of miscarriage

Doctors distinguish several stages of spontaneous abortion. At the first stage, aching pain in the abdomen and lower back most often appears. A little later, bloody discharge may appear from the genital tract. If you seek medical help at this stage and find out in a timely manner whether there was a miscarriage, then the pregnancy in most cases can be saved.

In the second stage of miscarriage, pain can be cramping. Severe dizziness and weakness appear. However, at this stage of miscarriage, pregnancy can be maintained. Timely prescribed hormonal treatment will help eliminate the factor that provokes a miscarriage.

Signs of a miscarriage at 2 weeks
Signs of a miscarriage at 2 weeks

At the next stage of miscarriage, severe pain is accompanied by a significant amount of bloody discharge. At this stage, the ovum dies, and it is no longer possible to maintain the pregnancy. In medicine, the phenomenon of incomplete miscarriage is also known, when the ovum leaves the uterine cavity not entirely, but in separate parts.

At the last stage of termination of pregnancy, the ovum is completely rejected from the uterine cavity. The uterus contracts and gradually regains its original size. An ultrasound examination is necessary to ascertain whether the miscarriage was complete. Indeed, sometimes the ovum dies, but remains in the uterine cavity. All the symptoms of pregnancy in a woman disappear, but at the same time her health worsens (frozen pregnancy). In this case, to eliminate the ovum, they resort to scraping the uterine cavity.

Curettage must be done in a timely manner to prevent inflammation of the appendages and the development of endometritis. After all, such complications can lead to dysfunction of the ovaries and to the further development of infertility.

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