When There Is Not Enough Breast Milk

When There Is Not Enough Breast Milk
When There Is Not Enough Breast Milk

When there is not enough breast milk

When there is not enough breast milk
When there is not enough breast milk

The best nutrition a nursing baby can get is breast milk. It is not just balanced, it is balanced for the needs of this particular baby, and as needs change, so does the composition of milk. The benefits of natural feeding have long been beyond question among pediatricians, and its absence can affect for a very long time, much longer than the period of breastfeeding itself, it is not without reason that almost the first question when visiting a pediatrician: "Have you fed your baby with breast milk, and for how long?" … But it so happens that there is not enough breast milk, and the baby remains hungry. What to do in such a situation?

Lactation (production of breast milk) is a complex mechanism that is provided by hormones and the nervous system. If at any stage of this mechanism a failure occurs, lactation is disrupted. Failure can occur for a variety of reasons - from stress to chronic lack of sleep. This is why good rest and emotional peace are so important for a nursing woman.

The hormone that plays a major role in lactation, prolactin, is produced at night. Avoiding night feeds will inevitably lead to a decrease in breast milk production. If you do not have enough breast milk, immediately resume night feeds, contrary to what is written in the outdated textbooks on raising communist society builders.

There is a direct relationship: the more the child eats, the more milk is produced. A child eats less - and a wise body reduces the production of this product. That is why it is impossible to introduce early complementary foods without special need - replacing part of the meal with another meal, you thereby reduce the baby's appetite for mother's milk, and you may prematurely face the fact that there is not enough breast milk.


For the same reason, there is no need to adhere to the draconian clock feeding regime. The baby is not a mechanism to be provided with fuel at strictly limited intervals. If the baby is hungry, it needs to be fed. Human milk is the most easily digestible food in the world, and three hours to digest it is too much for a baby. In addition, he sucks out different amounts of milk at different meals. Can eat heavier, and sleep longer, not three, but five hours. Maybe have a light snack, and in an hour to be hungry - is it not so with you?

Thus, for the most part, young mothers do not have enough breast milk precisely because of too zealous approach to outdated rules, and too much authority of grandmothers.

In addition, it is important to follow the drinking regime and receive adequate nutrition. With the right approach, milk will still be produced as much as needed, but everything will be taken from the mother's body, and the baby's mother needs a healthy one.

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