How to dress a newborn

The newborn baby, tiny, defenseless and infinitely precious, has finally made it home. And here a lot of questions arise that did not occur to mind before. For example, how to dress a newborn so that he is comfortable and not harm his health? In fact, the question is not as simple as it seems.
The heat exchange of a newborn child is still imperfect, and advice in the specialized literature can be found directly opposite. Here there are recommendations to temper a child literally from the first days of birth, with reference to tribes living in a primitive communal system, which for some reason are considered especially healthy by some authors, which is not true. On the other hand, there are tips to put on an extra set of clothes for your baby, regardless of the surrounding conditions and weather.
It should be said right away that in our area with a temperate climate, not knowing how to dress a newborn correctly, parents are much more likely to dress him too warmly than too cool. You can often find a mother on the street, dressed in a summer T-shirt and shorts, who rolls a stroller with a baby in a tight overalls, a cap, booties, and even covered with a blanket. The reason for this is not only overprotection. It is very difficult for a mother to stay in a children's clothing store, when there is so much, so much beautiful: there are lace christening sets, and seemingly doll-like dresses, and hilarious jeans for a cowboy of the week from birth. And of course, then you want to put on everything, as the baby is rapidly growing out of everything bought at an early age.
It should be remembered that overheating for a baby is no less dangerous than hypothermia. Of course, it is good for residents of southern latitudes when you can decide once and for all, it is possible, but this is not necessary. And how to dress a newborn for those whose weather in spring or autumn can change three times a day? There is only one answer: to adapt and be able to recognize the needs of the child. A general rule of thumb is that a newborn baby should

be dressed like you, plus a blanket or warm overalls during the cold season.
In the fall and spring, clothing should consist of several layers, so that excess can be removed in case of sudden warming. If you are not sure how to dress your newborn and think that the baby may freeze, but are afraid of overheating, do the following. Dress the newborn as yourself and bring an extra set of clothing or a blanket. After 10-15 minutes, touch the baby's nose. A cold spout indicates that it is frozen, a warm spout indicates that the temperature is comfortable for it, and additional insulation is not required.
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