Newborn Gas Outlet

Newborn Gas Outlet
Newborn Gas Outlet

Newborn gas outlet

Gas outlet tube for newborns - reviews and advice
Gas outlet tube for newborns - reviews and advice

Unpleasant, but quite common phenomena in the first months of a baby's life are constipation, colic and gas, which lead to anxiety, crying and cries of the baby. You can alleviate the condition of the child using several methods, including a gas outlet for newborns.

Gas outlet tube: description and appearance

The device is a simple rubber tube with inputs and outputs on both sides. Sometimes on the side, closer to the end that is inserted into the anus, there is another additional hole.

In order not to injure the child and to alleviate his condition, use the Windy soft gas outlet tube for newborns. It is made of non-toxic materials and has a special rounded tip. Even those parents who have no training or medical qualifications can easily use the device. The special design and length prevents the Windy newborn gas tube from being inserted too deeply or incorrectly.

Depending on the diameter, the size of the rectal catheter is determined. This is usually indicated by the corresponding number on the label. Tubes numbered 15-16 are intended for babies, which have the smallest diameter, but since they do not have an additional hole, it is more often recommended to use gas venting devices number 17-18, which are slightly larger.

If the child suffers from gas production, parents should purchase a rectal tube, which is sold at a pharmacy at a very affordable price.

How to put a gas tube in a newborn

The first time, before putting the gas tube in the newborn, it must be boiled. When reused, thoroughly washing with hot water and soap is sufficient, preferably for children. But if a rectal catheter is not used as often, for example, every three days or less, it is advisable to sterilize it before each procedure.

The instructions for the newborn gas tube describe the procedure:

  • Cover the work surface with a diaper, putting an oilcloth under it;
  • Lubricate the rounded end of the sterilized vent tube (cooled down) with baby cream or petroleum jelly;
  • Lay the baby on its back and press the legs to the tummy. It is best to carry out the procedure together;
  • Carefully insert the end of the tube into the anus, also smeared with petroleum jelly, 1-2 cm;
  • Rotate the inserted tube slightly;
  • Leave the baby for 5 minutes while holding the rectal catheter in the anus. This time, as a rule, is enough for the feces and gases to come out. You can check the result in this way: place the free end of the tube in a small container with water, and then observe. The bubbles that appear indicate that the gaziks are really moving away;
  • After completing all the manipulations, the baby should be washed.

Gas outlet tube for newborns: reviews and effectiveness

According to reviews, the gas outlet tube for newborns in most cases solves the problem of increased gas production in infants. However, along with this, there is an opinion that a rectal catheter is useless and even dangerous, as it is addictive. Some parents note that after using it, the child cannot defecate on his own and get rid of gas.

The position of pediatricians on this issue is unambiguous. They recommend resorting to the use of a tube only when all other measures have already been taken: the nursing mother eats right, a tummy massage is performed regularly, and anti-colic drugs are systematically used.

Possible complications

Possible complications when using a flue gas pipe include:

  • Intestinal perforation, which is fraught with peritonitis and bleeding;
  • Mucous membrane injury, dangerous with subsequent blood loss.
Newborn flue gas tube - pros and cons
Newborn flue gas tube - pros and cons

If the child has any diseases of the rectum or the mother suspects bleeding, it is strictly forbidden to use the device. Also, you cannot leave the baby unattended during the procedure.

It is imperative to follow the instructions for the gas outlet tube for newborns, and if it is missing, then for the first time you can turn to the help of doctors who will monitor the process and help you place the rectal catheter correctly.

It is important to understand that the gas outlet tube only helps to alleviate the condition of the baby, but does not heal. It is possible to completely get rid of increased gas formation in the intestines of a baby only by eliminating the cause that causes it. In addition, this problem is very common in newborns, and over time, when the work of the digestive organs is fully adjusted, it disappears even without treatment.

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