First walks with a newborn

Young parents often ask the question of how to organize walks with a newborn, how to dress a baby and how long does it take to walk with him? Pediatricians' advice on this matter is very different, from the requirement to be on the street as much as possible, at least 6 hours a day, to strict restrictions like: "Start on days 20-30 for 15 minutes, adding a minute every day." Of course, you will be confused here.
In fact, it is worth being guided by simple common sense, there are no uniform rules and cannot be. You live outside the city, in an area with clean air, do you have au pair who relieved you of household chores? Wonderful, you can go for a walk all day, especially if you can attach your baby to your chest somewhere in the garden. But if you are torn, not having time to do what is necessary, then believe me, the baby will not suffer from the fact that walks with a newborn took one or two hours a day, not eight.
Walking with a newborn has a great advantage: they can be organized on the balcony, or in front of an open window, as long as there are no drafts. Dress your toddler as for the street and pack. Sometimes it is even useful to do this so that the child does not get used to sleeping in a constantly rocking stroller and does not require to be rocked. Such a walk with a newborn is complete for him, and it will help you to save time or "take a walk" if the weather is bad.
The second important question is how to dress your baby for walks. The general rule of thumb is this: in the cold season, as many clothes as you put on for a walk yourself, plus a warm winter envelope or blanket. In spring and autumn, as you would dress yourself, plus a light envelope or a thin duvet like a flannel. Dress your kids like yourself in the summer. Remember, overheating for a child is no less dangerous than hypothermia. If the baby is born prematurely or with low birth weight, an extra layer of clothing is needed.
Citizens should remember that walking with a newborn along busy roads, in large shopping centers, in yards like "stone wells" and even on a noisy playground are not useful, rather the opposite. Walks are useful for a child only when he is not just "in the air", he has air at home, but when he is in the fresh air.
Fewer people, more nature - that's what he needs now. In old books on children's health, you can find this poetic advice: "The most useful places for walking with a newborn are places with lacy shade of trees." That is, the sun, but not direct, but shining through the leaves. The only thing to do is to find such an uncrowded place near the house.
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