Dairy Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Dairy Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice
Dairy Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Dairy diet

There are many different nutritional systems, collectively called the "milk diet", based on the consumption of milk and dairy products. The most popular are the 3-day milk mono diet and the 7-day milk diet.

All milk diet options are low in calories. The diet should contain only healthy, low-fat foods. Food should be cooked in gentle ways - boiling, baking and stewing.

The result of a dairy diet also depends on the quality of milk and dairy products. Homemade milk is recommended for a 3-day mono diet. The 7-day diet includes only low-fat dairy products.

The dairy diet is a strict mono diet based on milk consumption
The dairy diet is a strict mono diet based on milk consumption

Benefits of a dairy diet

The dairy diet is effective in any way. It is suitable for those who urgently need to get rid of extra pounds, while minimizing harm to health. On average, the plumb line is 4-5 kg per week.

Dairy products are extremely beneficial for the body, as they contain many vital substances, including vitamins A, B, C and E, minerals (primarily calcium), protein. Fermented milk products are rich in beneficial microorganisms that support normal intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system. During the milk diet, the body is saturated with calcium, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the bone and endocrine systems.

Due to the high protein content in the diet, weight loss does not affect muscle tone.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the milk diet

The dairy diet is not balanced, so it cannot be called safe for the body. This is especially true of the mono diet, which involves the use of only milk for 3 days. It is strongly not recommended to stick to it for longer than the specified period.

If the dairy diet is followed, there is a feeling of severe hunger, deterioration in general condition, increased fatigue, and decreased performance. A fiber deficiency in the diet often leads to digestive problems.

The dairy diet is contraindicated for people with milk intolerance, adolescents, the elderly and weakened people, pregnant and lactating women. You should not choose this diet for diseases of the digestive system and any chronic diseases.

What foods are allowed?

On a 3-day diet, only milk is allowed.

The 7-day dairy diet includes milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, feta cheese, lean meat (chicken, turkey), lean fish, vegetables (including potatoes), herbs, grapefruits, oranges, honey, cocoa, and pure still water.

What foods are prohibited?

All products that are not included in the approved list are considered prohibited.

Dairy diet menu

An example of a milk diet menu for 3 days:

First day Every 2 hours - a glass of milk. The first appointment is at 8:00, the last one at 20:00. Second day Every 1.5 hours - a glass of milk. The first appointment is at 8:00, the last one at 20:00. The third day A glass of milk every hour. The first appointment is at 8:00, the last one at 20:00.

An example of a dairy diet menu for 7 days:

First to fourth days

Breakfast: low-fat yogurt (200 ml), feta cheese (250 g), honey (2 tsp), honey drink (mix 150 ml of still mineral water with 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of lemon juice).

Lunch and Dinner: Any low-calorie meals made from permitted foods.

The fifth day

Immediately after waking up: 100 ml of hot water.

Breakfast: skim milk (200 ml) with the addition of 1 tsp. cocoa and 1 tsp. honey.

Second breakfast: grapefruit or orange, drink 1 liter of water in small portions.

Lunch: boiled fish (200 g), or steak (150 g) with lemon and herbs, or white meat (200 g).

Afternoon snack: yogurt (200 ml) with honey (1 tsp.).

Dinner: Drink vegetable broth without salt (3 cups) for 10 minutes, then eat 3 plates of cooked vegetables (with 20 minutes break between servings).

Before bed: yogurt (200 ml) with honey (1 tsp.).

Sixth day

Breakfast: drink 1.5 liters of water within 2 hours.

Second breakfast: yogurt (200 ml) with honey (1 tsp.).

Lunch: broth (500 ml), skim milk (200 ml) with the addition of 1 tsp. cocoa and 1 tsp. honey, grapefruit juice.

Dinner: baked trout (200 g), a portion of green vegetables with vinaigrette.

Before bed: yogurt (200 ml) with honey (1 tsp.).

Seventh day

Breakfast: skim milk (200 ml) with the addition of 1 tsp. cocoa and 1 tsp. honey, grapefruit juice, pure water (500 ml).

Second breakfast: drink 1 liter of water (a glass every 30 minutes).

Lunch: chicken or turkey meat (200 g), baked in foil or boiled, or fish (200 g) and a salad of green vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice.

Dinner: potatoes baked in foil or vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

Before bed: yogurt (200 ml) with honey (1 tsp.).

Useful Tips

Advice 1. During the 7-day milk diet, it is recommended to consume milk with a fat content of up to 5%.

Tip 2. Exit from the 3-day milk diet should be gradual, you can not immediately return to the usual diet and give up milk.

Diet for 3 days Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 3 days

2.5 out of 5

Mono-diet based on the use of milk. An extremely strict diet can be harmful to health. The risk of returning lost pounds is high.

Recommended frequency: once a year Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products: Diet for 7 days Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 7 days

4 out of 5

The dairy diet, like other low-calorie food systems, has a big disadvantage - the risk of a quick return of the lost pounds. However, unlike other rigid diets, it has advantages due to the benefits of milk for the body.

Recommended frequency: once a year Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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