Diet Of Ksenia Sobchak - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Diet Of Ksenia Sobchak - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice
Diet Of Ksenia Sobchak - Menu, Reviews, Results, Advice

Diet of Ksenia Sobchak

The famous TV presenter and socialite Ksenia Sobchak has never had problems with being overweight. She is sure that a diet based on the principle of separate nutrition helps her keep in shape. The presenter believes that this diet is more in line with physiological needs than others and helps to improve digestion.

Separate meals are based on the assertion that foods have varying degrees of compatibility. For the first time this idea was voiced by the famous American nutritionist Herbert Shelton. According to his theory, products are divided into groups, for each of which its own type of gastric juice is synthesized, which differs in chemical properties.

If you eat poorly combined foods in one meal, different enzymes are released, neutralizing each other's action and reducing the absorption of nutrients.

Rules for combining products:

  • acidic foods and foods containing complex carbohydrates must be eaten at different times, since acid inhibits their fermentation;
  • protein food is not combined with acidic and fatty foods;
  • cereals are recommended to be consumed along with fatty foods and vegetables;
  • legumes are best combined with green vegetables;
  • berries and sour foods go well with nuts;
  • milk should be consumed separately from other products or abandoned altogether.

Ksenia Sobchak's diet rules:

  • the interval between the use of incompatible dishes should be at least an hour;
  • you need to eat only when hunger appears, and not out of boredom or for company;
  • after eating, a feeling of slight hunger should remain;
  • half of the daily diet should be plant foods;
  • food should be eaten warm, so it is better absorbed.
Diet of Ksenia Sobchak: nutritional rules
Diet of Ksenia Sobchak: nutritional rules


Advantages of the diet of Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak's diet allows you to achieve a weight loss of 5 kg during the first two weeks. The dietary course lasts up to three months, during which you can lose 20 kg.

Within one or two months, the body adapts to the changed diet, the metabolic processes are normalized, and as a result, mood and well-being becomes better.

The main factor that has a positive effect on the body is improved digestion: food well processed by gastric enzymes is absorbed more fully. This reduces the likelihood of developing disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Disadvantages of the diet of Ksenia Sobchak

Nutritionists have not yet come to a consensus about this nutritional system. Its supporters cite the positive effect of separate nutrition. Opponents of the idea argue that the digestive tract breaks down nutrients to the same extent, regardless of their combination.

Be that as it may, separate nutrition does not have a negative effect on health.

What foods are allowed?

Most products can be used as food if you monitor their compatibility.

What foods are prohibited?

Separate nutrition implies a very democratic approach to food, but if the goal is weight loss, a number of products are banned:

  • sugar;
  • sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish;
  • pickles and canned food;
  • butter, margarine and mayonnaise;
  • tea, coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks;
  • condensed and powdered milk.

Ksenia Sobchak's diet menu

Approximate menu of the diet of Ksenia Sobchak for a week:

First day

First breakfast: oatmeal in water or muesli with fruit.

Second breakfast: pear, grapefruit or apple.

Lunch: green salad and boiled white fish.

Afternoon snack: a handful of walnuts or almonds.

Dinner: a small portion of spaghetti with stewed vegetables.

Second day

First breakfast: scrambled eggs from 5 proteins and boiled spinach.

Second breakfast: berry yogurt.

Lunch: potato soup, onions, celery, peas, broccoli and a slice of bread.

Afternoon snack: vegetable salad of radish with cucumber or a couple of apples.

Dinner: a slice of boiled chicken or white fish with stewed vegetables.

The third day

First breakfast: oatmeal on the water and a pear.

Second breakfast: a handful of dried fruits.

Lunch: vegetable sandwich with a slice of cheese.

Afternoon snack: glass of fruit smoothie.

Dinner: a piece of meat or white fish with stewed vegetables.

Fourth day

First breakfast: whole grain porridge with orange.

Second breakfast: baked apples with cinnamon and honey.

Lunch: a slice of white fish with fresh vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.

Dinner: a serving of beef stew with vegetables and salad.

The fifth day

First breakfast: cottage cheese with apple.

Second breakfast: any fruit.

Lunch: vegetable soup, spaghetti with stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad.

Dinner: boiled shrimps and green salad.

Sixth day Throughout the day, only vegetables and fruits.
Seventh day

First breakfast: pancakes with berries or jam.

Second breakfast: yogurt.

Lunch: stewed vegetables with meat.

Afternoon snack: nuts and carrot salad.

Dinner: fish casserole.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. It is advisable to start a special notebook and write down what was eaten and what was the reaction of the body.

Tip 2. At the table, it is important to avoid negative conversations.

Advice 3. Do not drink a lot of water before meals, it can ruin your appetite.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: 3 months

3.5 out of 5

Ksenia Sobchak's diet is based on Shelton's separate diet. The main thing in it is not a reduction in the calorie content of the diet, but the correct combination of products.

Recommended frequency: any
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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