Linda Lazarides Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Linda Lazarides Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Linda Lazarides Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Linda Lazarides' Diet ("The Waste Diet")

Linda Lazarides is a nutritionist from England, founder and inspirer of the school of modern naturopathy. She has developed a nutritional system that allows you to normalize weight primarily by getting rid of latent and obvious edema. The "drainage diet" is carried out in three stages:

  1. The stage lasts two months. All foods that can cause fluid retention in the body are removed from the diet. In the first week, due to the removal of excess water, weight loss can be very significant, up to 6 kg, then the plumb line speed stabilizes, the weight goes away at a rate of 1-2 kg per week.
  2. The stage lasts a month. It is necessary to gradually introduce products excluded at the previous stage, and carefully monitor the body's response to them. This allows you to identify food intolerances. Products are added one at a time, if discomfort occurs (bloating, nausea, fatigue, headache, nasal congestion, allergic reaction, etc.), the corresponding product is excluded. If, after consuming the "new" product, there are no manifestations of intolerance, it is included in the diet. The plumb line rate at this stage is approximately 0.5-1 kg per week.
  3. Consolidation of the result. This stage is not limited in time; the rules acting on it should ideally be adhered to throughout your life. The diet is made up of products from the first stage and those that have passed the intolerance test at the second stage - this will avoid water retention in the body and the appearance of excess weight in the future. If after the first two stages of the diet there are still extra pounds, they will go away until they are completely normalized. Weight is secured when optimal performance is achieved.

Linda Lazarides diet rules:

  • fractional meals - at least five meals a day, portions should be small;
  • snacks are allowed between main meals;
  • there should be about the same time, at regular intervals;
  • fluid intake is not limited, you can drink as much as you want. The point of the diet is not to reduce the amount of incoming water, but to ensure that excess water is not retained in the body.
Linda Lazarides diet: nutritional rules
Linda Lazarides diet: nutritional rules


Benefits of the Linda Lazarides diet

The plummet depends on how significant the fluid retention was in the body. The first three months of Linda Lazarides' diet (stages I and II) lead to an average loss of 10-15 kg.

The advantage of a diet is that you can find out if the excess weight was caused by a violation of water metabolism, and get rid of edema without harm to health. In addition, products are identified that are not suitable for a particular person and the rejection of which is undoubtedly beneficial to health.

Compliance with the principles of healthy eating, which form the basis of the diet, allows you to normalize metabolism, get rid of minor ailments, increase the overall tone of the body and avoid weight gain in the future.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the Linda Lazarides diet

Linda Lazarides' theory has no scientific confirmation. Not all doctors agree that the cause of excess weight is fluid retention in the body, most of them agree that latent and obvious edema is not a cause, but a consequence of metabolic disorders.


  • renal and hepatic impairment;
  • hypokalemia;
  • urolithiasis and gallstone disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic enterocolitis, ulcerative colitis;
  • anemia;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

People with any chronic pathology should stick to a diet only with the permission of the attending physician.

What foods are allowed?

At the first stage of the diet allowed:

  • lean poultry (chicken, turkey fillet);
  • a fish;
  • seafood;
  • soy milk and soy yogurt without additives;
  • fruits (except for bananas and grapes);
  • vegetables (except potatoes);
  • legumes;
  • nuts and seeds (sunflower, pumpkin);
  • oatmeal, brown rice;
  • cocoa powder and dark chocolate;
  • vegetable oil in small quantities;
  • freshly squeezed juices, herbal teas, mineral water.

At stage II, you can add to the list of allowed:

  • in the 1st week - wheat flour products that do not contain yeast (durum wheat pasta, lavash, flat cakes, dry unsweetened cookies, etc.);
  • in the 2nd week - milk and dairy products;
  • in the 3rd week - eggs (chicken and quail);
  • in the 4th week - baked goods containing yeast.

At stage III, any products are allowed - with the exception of those that turned out to be intolerable. However, when drawing up the diet, the following proportion must be adhered to: 90% - products allowed at stage I, 10% - all the rest.

What foods are prohibited?

At the first stage, it is prohibited:

  • salt;
  • all types of sweets (with the exception of dark chocolate), including sugar, honey;
  • red meat and all types of meat products (sausage, sausages, smoked meats, etc.);
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • eggs;
  • flour products;
  • mayonnaise and all types of industrially manufactured sauces;
  • margarine;
  • vinegar;
  • yeast (all foods that contain them);
  • canned food;
  • alcohol;
  • caffeinated drinks (coffee, black and green tea).

At the second stage, flour, dairy products, eggs are gradually excluded from this list.

There are no strict prohibitions at stage III, but it is advisable to maintain restrictions on salt, sugar, alcohol, fatty and industrially prepared foods, allowing their use only occasionally.

Linda Lazarides Diet Menu

A strict menu is not provided for the diet of Linda Lazarides; any dishes can be prepared from permitted products. As an example, we give the menu of one day of the 1st stage of the diet:

Breakfast Fruit salad seasoned with soy yoghurt, rosehip tea. Afternoon snack A handful of peanuts, freshly squeezed apple juice. Dinner Vegetable soup, steamed fish with green peas, compote. Lunch An orange or pear, a few slices of dark chocolate. Dinner Stewed vegetables with brown rice, mint leaf tea.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. If it is difficult to give up sweets, sugar can be replaced with stevia.

Advice 2. With a tendency to edema, an active lifestyle is no less important for health than diet, therefore it is advisable to accompany it with daily physical activity: walks in the fresh air, dancing or non-exhausting exercises.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: unlimited, at least 3 months

3.5 out of 5

The diet of Linda Lazarides is primarily aimed at removing excess fluid from the body, but the basic rules of a healthy diet are based on the basic rules of a healthy diet, so the circle of those who can fit this nutrition system is not limited only to those suffering from edema.

Recommended frequency: any
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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