Kim Protasov's Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Kim Protasov's Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Kim Protasov's Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Kim Protasov's diet

The diet was developed by Israeli nutritionist Kim Protasov. This food system is designed for ten weeks: five weeks - the actual diet, in which a loss of 6-8 kg of excess weight is possible; five weeks - an exit from the diet, consolidating the achieved result.

The amount of food and meal times are not limited.

Kim Protasov's diet is a balanced nutrition system designed for 10 weeks
Kim Protasov's diet is a balanced nutrition system designed for 10 weeks


Advantages of Kim Protasov's diet

Despite the low calorie content of the permitted foods, hunger is not felt with Kim Protasov's diet, since the amount of food consumed and the number of its meals are not limited.

The nutritional system proposed by Protasov is balanced and includes foods that contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the body.

Foods with a high glycemic index are excluded from the diet. Due to their absence during the diet, the pancreas function normalizes and cravings for sweets decrease.

The combination of fresh vegetables and low fat protein products makes weight loss effective and efficient. The fiber contained in vegetables prevents constipation, improves bowel function, and promotes long-term satiety. Due to the low calorie content of vegetables in the diet, a calorie deficit is created that is necessary for weight loss. Proteins, in turn, are digested for a long time and with a large expenditure of energy, which for this comes from fat depots.

With the diet of Kim Protasov, the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body is replenished.

Disadvantages and contraindications of Kim Protasov's diet

It is more advisable to adhere to the diet of Kim Protasov in summer or autumn, when there are many fresh vegetables rich in vitamins on sale. In winter or spring, vegetables are devoid of a number of useful qualities and are more expensive.

For ten weeks of the diet, you need to eat fresh, not thermally processed vegetables. This kind of food is hard for many people.

Diet can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, therefore, it is recommended that you first consult a dietitian.

What foods are allowed?

The diet of the Protasov diet changes throughout its course:

  • first and second weeks - all vegetables that can be eaten fresh are allowed; fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt), the fat content of which does not exceed 5%; boiled eggs; green apples (no more than three per day); tea and coffee without sugar, water;
  • the third, fourth and fifth weeks - part of dairy products is replaced by 300 g of fried meat, fish or poultry.

During the period of exiting the diet, the diet changes as follows:

  • 40% of dairy products are replaced with fat-free counterparts (0.5-1%) fat. To compensate for the decrease in fat, the diet includes vegetable oil in the amount of 3 tsp. per day;
  • 30% of dairy products are replaced with lean meat - chicken, beef or turkey;
  • two out of three permitted apples are substituted with two other fruits (excluding bananas, mangoes, and dried fruits);
  • you can add a little vinegar to salads;
  • they use porridge for breakfast, which should be cooked from 1-2 tbsp. l. cereals and an appropriate amount of water. Serving size - no more than 250 ml. Cottage cheese and vegetable salad are added to the porridge.

What foods are prohibited?

Products not included in the approved list are prohibited.

Kim Protasov's diet menu

An example of Kim Protasov's diet menu:

The first two weeks of the diet

Breakfast: yogurt, boiled egg, grated carrots.

Second breakfast: cucumber.

Lunch: cottage cheese, cabbage salad, carrots and herbs, tea.

Afternoon snack: salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Dinner: kefir, gazpacho (cold tomato soup).

From the third to the fifth week

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, fermented baked milk, carrots, coffee.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese with herbs.

Lunch: boiled chicken with tomatoes, garlic and herbs.

Afternoon snack: tomato, cucumber.

Dinner: kefir.


Breakfast: oatmeal, vegetable salad, cottage cheese.

Afternoon snack: grated carrots with cinnamon and fermented baked milk.

Lunch: beef stew, shredded cabbage with a little vinegar.

Afternoon snack: apple.

Dinner: boiled egg, kefir.

During the period of exiting the diet, the diet is gradually changed:

  • 40% of dairy products are replaced with fat-free counterparts (0.5% -1%) fat. To compensate for the decrease in fat, the diet includes vegetable oil in the amount of 3 teaspoons per day;
  • Two out of three permitted apples are substituted with other fruits in the same quantity;
  • Instead of some vegetables for breakfast, they use porridge, which should be cooked from 1-2 tablespoons of cereals and an appropriate volume of water. Serving size - no more than 250 ml. Cottage cheese and vegetable salad are added to the porridge;
  • 30% of dairy products are replaced with lean meat: chicken, beef or turkey.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. In addition to quenching thirst, water ensures the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body.

Advice 2. It is recommended to change the diet when leaving the diet smoothly, over several days.

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 10 weeks

3.5 out of 5

The popularity of the diet is due to its high efficiency and lack of hunger. A clearly scheduled exit from the diet helps to consolidate the results obtained.

Recommended frequency: every 6 months Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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