Ballerinas Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Ballerinas Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Ballerinas Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Ballerinas diet

It is believed that the chiseled figures of the dancers are achieved through exhausting physical exertion and a half-starved life, and then if genetics does not fail. During the "Ballerinas Diet" you really have to work out in the gym, but you do not need to starve.

The diet doesn't look tight:

  • the usual portions are divided in half, the resulting amount is one meal;
  • the menu must contain soups as independent dishes, they are not complemented by main courses and snacks;
  • different proteins are not mixed in one meal - fish and meat, dairy products and meat, etc.;
  • drink water half an hour before meals and an hour after it (at least 1.5 liters per day);
  • the most dense meal is breakfast;
  • fruit is used for snacks and snacks;
  • choose low-fat dairy and meat products. Fatty acids come from fish and olive oil;
  • regular physical activity is necessary.

These rules apply to any food system that involves a sensible combination of foods. But the "Ballerinas Diet" includes another trick, allowing you to get rid of extra pounds faster: fasting days.

Ballerinas' diet is a nutritional principle based on reducing the daily calorie intake by reducing the usual portions by half
Ballerinas' diet is a nutritional principle based on reducing the daily calorie intake by reducing the usual portions by half


Advantages of the Ballerinas Diet

For a week "Diet of ballerinas" allows you to get rid of 5-7 kg of excess weight.

The diet does not have strict restrictions and is based on the rules of a healthy diet: eat healthy foods and exclude unhealthy and high-calorie foods, so losing kilograms will not negatively affect your well-being.

Over time, the body will get used to a diet that is smaller in portions.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Ballerinas diet"

Ballerinas Diet does not get rid of a large amount of extra pounds in a short time. Rather, she teaches good nutrition. Do not forget the basic principle - reduce portions. Thanks to this, weight is reduced, bad eating habits go away.

The rules of the diet look too general, in itself, adherence to them will not mold the figure of a ballerina: sport is needed.

It is recommended to carefully monitor the calorie content of dishes, since small portions and low-fat foods threaten a shortage of daily calories and a slowdown in metabolism.

The diet is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases, before starting it, consult your doctor.

What foods are allowed?

Fruits, vegetables, fish and seafood, low-fat meat and dairy products, rye bread, still water, olive oil, soy sauce, spices, coffee, tea.

On fasting days, only tomato juice (without salt), kefir, low-fat milk, and several slices of rye bread are allowed.

What foods are prohibited?

Mayonnaise, alcohol, sweets, flour, smoked and canned products are prohibited.

The amount of salt is limited to a minimum.

Ballerinas Diet Menu

Sample menu for several days of the "Ballerinas diet":

First fasting day

Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice.

Lunch: 2 glasses of tomato juice, a slice of rye bread.

Dinner: a glass of tomato juice.

Second fasting day

Breakfast: a glass of kefir or milk.

Lunch: a glass of kefir, a slice of black bread.

Dinner: milk or kefir.

First day

Breakfast: cottage cheese, kefir or warm milk.

Second breakfast: fruits.

Lunch: baked fish.

Afternoon snack: fruit.

Dinner: vegetable soup.

Second day

Breakfast: coffee, black bread with olive oil.

Second breakfast: banana or kiwi.

Lunch: soup with meat broth.

Afternoon snack: apple or orange.

Dinner: boiled chicken breast, green salad.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. In the first days of the diet (after unloading), it is necessary to calculate the total calorie content of foods consumed per day: it should be at least 1200 kcal.

Advice 2. Static exercises from callanetics, body ballet and Pilates will help to give the muscles a shape like that of ballerinas.

Diet characteristic final grade Duration: 7 days

4.5 out of 5

The principle of the diet is to reduce the daily calorie intake by halving the usual portions. To achieve ballet form, the diet is reinforced with fitness.

Recommended frequency: any Weight loss rate: Safety: Variety of products:

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