Detox Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Detox Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Detox Diet - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Detox diet

The main goal of any diet is to reduce the amount of extra pounds. Great luck if, along with this, it turns out not to harm the body. And if his condition improves, such a diet can be considered ideal.

One of the short-term nutritional systems, designed not so much to get rid of the gained weight, but to cleanse the intestines and, as a consequence, the body from the toxic effects of toxins and harmful substances accumulated in the intestines, is a detox diet.

The cleansing diet menu consists mainly of foods rich in fiber: these are fresh vegetables and fruits - complex carbohydrates that take a long time to digest and do not cause a jump in insulin in the blood, and it is known to be a direct ally of fat accumulation. In addition, these foods take longer to digest, keeping you feeling full for a long time, and contain mucus that coats the intestinal wall, improving its peristalsis and accelerating the elimination of toxins.

Due to the low amount of fat in the diet, as well as the elimination of harmful foods, the burden on the kidneys and liver is reduced.

The detox diet is short-lived - it usually lasts 3-10 days. This is enough for the body to get rid of the debris.

The detox diet is more of a collective name for a diet that consists mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables, so the menu can be quite varied. Below is a variation on the grape detox diet. Its duration is no more than 4 days, during which you can lose up to 2 kg.

Detox diet: nutritional guidelines
Detox diet: nutritional guidelines

Benefits of a detox diet

A detox diet is an excellent relief for the body tired of heavy food. This diet is ideal not only for overweight people, but also for those who care about the health of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Along with the cleansing of organs, a kind of renewal of all biological systems takes place, since the elimination of toxins and toxins has a positive effect on the state of the body as a whole. As a result, the state of health improves, fatigue decreases, lightness appears in the body, and the feeling of heaviness in the stomach disappears.

This diet is also quite satisfying, the painful feeling of hunger does not accompany it.

Disadvantages and contraindications of a detox diet

Although a detox diet can help cleanse the body, it should be approached very carefully, changing the diet gradually. A sharp change in the menu will become stress for the body and, possibly, the cause of intestinal disorders, as well as the appearance of weakness and fatigue.

A detox diet can indeed give tangible results, but it will be short-lived if, after the end of the diet, you return to eating junk and heavy foods.

The detox diet is high in fiber, which can be harmful to people with gastrointestinal problems. If you have these and any other chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting a diet.

What foods are allowed?

The grape version of the detox diet allows, of course, grapes, as well as fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, walnuts, whole grain bread, muesli, rice, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, boiled pork, chicken meat, turkey, shrimps, vegetable oil, gelatin, honey, senna in the leaves.

To enhance the cleansing effect of the grape detox diet, it is recommended to prepare a vitamin mixture of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs, honey and senna leaves. Take 100 g of each dried fruit and grind in a blender, and pour a handful of senna leaves with boiling water and steam. Mix the ingredients. Eat 1 tablespoon of the ready-to-eat mixture before meals for 3 weeks.

What foods are prohibited?

The detox diet prohibits the use of flour products, sweets, salty and spicy foods, coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.

Detox diet menu

The 4 Day Grape Detox Diet menu is as follows:

First day

Breakfast: muesli with half an orange, 100 g of dark grapes, 100 g of yogurt.

Lunch: boiled pork, lettuce with grated pumpkin, grapes and walnuts.

Dinner: boiled chicken fillet, fruit salad of grapes, papaya, pineapple, lemon juice.

Second day

Breakfast: yogurt, whipped with lemon juice, grapes and grape juice with pulp.

Lunch: boiled rice with shrimps fried in olive oil, grapes.

Dinner: potatoes, carrots, celery and leeks stewed in sour cream. For dessert, grapes.

The third day

Breakfast: whole grain bread with cottage cheese, whipped with grapes.

Lunch: boiled fish, stewed with grapes, cabbage.

Dinner: grape jelly, apple, grapes.

Fourth day

Breakfast: cottage cheese with grapes, yogurt, a slice of whole grain bread.

Lunch: pancakes with grapes and cottage cheese.

Dinner: turkey stewed with mushrooms, broccoli, carrots, grapes and sour cream.

Useful Tips

Tip 1: it is better to exchange large plates for small bowls, then the portions will seem more impressive.

Tip 2: Drink plenty of water to help eliminate toxins from your body.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: 4 days

3.5 out of 5

A diet with a high fiber content, which not only has a positive effect on fat metabolism, but also helps to eliminate toxins and toxins, improve the functioning of the intestines, which has a beneficial effect on the whole body.

Recommended frequency: every 3 months
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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