Cognac - Benefits, Calories, Harm

Cognac - Benefits, Calories, Harm
Cognac - Benefits, Calories, Harm


Cognac in barrels
Cognac in barrels

Cognac is a strong alcoholic drink made from certain grape varieties using a special technology.

Brandy production

The main variety of white grapes for the production of an alcoholic drink is uni blanc - a grape that ripens slowly and has high acidity, disease resistance and high yields.

In addition to uni blanc, the following grape varieties can be used for the production of cognac: montil, colombard, foil blanche. These varieties are extremely whimsical to grow, but alcohols from them have a richer taste and aroma.

The quality of the drink is determined by two main production technologies - juice extraction and fermentation. The use of sugar is strictly prohibited during the fermentation stage.

Wine distillation takes place in two stages, after which the cognac spirit is poured into oak barrels with a capacity of 270 to 450 liters. The minimum exposure is 2 years, the maximum is 70 years.

In the first years of aging, the drink acquires its inherent golden brown color and is saturated with tannins. Its taste depends on the age of cognac.

Calories in Cognac and nutritional information

For 100 gr. of the product, the calorie content in cognac is 237.74 Kcal.

Nutritional value per 100 gr. the drink is: fats - 0.36 g., water - 12.27 g., proteins - 0.39 g., carbohydrates - 2.13 g.

The benefits of cognac

Not a single alcoholic drink can be considered useful when consumed thoughtlessly. However, the consumption of good cognac in small doses has a prophylactic and therapeutic effect.

In small quantities, the drink can raise blood pressure, resulting in a subside of headaches and an increase in body tone.

Due to the presence of biologically active substances in the drink, the benefits of cognac are to stimulate the stomach, increase appetite and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

For the prevention of colds, it is recommended to drink tea with one teaspoon of brandy. And in combination with ginger, this drink can cure colds in the early stages.

With angina, gargle with a hot drink, disinfecting it and curing the disease. In addition, the benefits of warmed cognac in combination with lemon are antipyretic properties. When added to hot cognac and lemon milk, you can provide an expectorant effect for laryngitis and bronchitis.

A glass of the drink taken before bed relieves nervous tension, relieves insomnia and relaxes, ensuring a calm and healthy sleep.

In cosmetology, the benefits of cognac are also widely used. It is used as a remedy for acne, mixing with brown, water and glycerin. Also with this drink make whitening face masks and masks to strengthen hair.

The calorie content of cognac is 237.74 per 100 grams of product
The calorie content of cognac is 237.74 per 100 grams of product

Doctors recommend consuming no more than 30 grams daily. cognac.

Harm and contraindications

Good cognac has much fewer negative properties than advantages, but still they do exist.

The greatest harm from cognac, like any other alcoholic drink, is its excessive use, as a result of which addiction arises and a disease such as alcoholism develops.

Drinking the drink is contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and gallstone disease.

In addition, since cognac contains quite a lot of calories, it is not recommended for overweight people.

It should be noted that the benefits of cognac can only be obtained if it is made by a well-known manufacturer and is of excellent quality.

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