Banana Calories - Calories, Composition

Banana Calories - Calories, Composition
Banana Calories - Calories, Composition

Calorie banana

Calorie content of 1 banana - 105-108 kcal
Calorie content of 1 banana - 105-108 kcal

Banana is an exotic fruit rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Bananas are the fruits of perennial herbaceous plants of the Musaceae (banana) family found in the tropics of Southeast Asia. There are about 500 cultivated varieties of bananas, but an artificially bred variety of this fruit, Musa paradisiaca, is grown for mass consumption. Edible banana varieties are conventionally divided into two main groups: dessert ones, eaten mainly raw or dried, and plantains (plane trees), which require heat treatment before use. What is the calorie content of a banana? How should bananas be consumed while dieting?

Calorie content of bananas, composition, beneficial properties of the fruit

Bananas are delicious, healthy and nutritious fruits containing a number of essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function properly. The calorie content of bananas is relatively low, which makes it possible to include this fruit in moderation in the diet.

With a low calorie content, bananas contain fiber, fructose, sucrose, enzymes, malic acid, which helps to normalize digestion and improve intestinal motility. Nutrient composition of bananas:

  • Proteins - up to 1.64 g;
  • Fats - up to 0.32g;
  • Carbohydrates - up to 27g.

Vitamins in bananas:

  • B1 (up to 0.54 mg) - thiamine plays a key role in the metabolism of fats, an essential element for the growth and development of the body, helps to normalize the functioning of the heart, digestive system, has a calming effect;
  • B2 (up to 0.067mg) - riboflavin, a coenzyme of many biological processes, helps to normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • PP (up to 1.07 mg) - nicotinic acid, vitamin B3, participates in the metabolism of fats, amino acids, proteins, purines, as well as in the processes of tissue respiration, biosynthesis;
  • Ascorbic acid (up to 36.7 mg) is a powerful antioxidant, a coenzyme of many biological processes, stimulates the synthesis of interferon, participating in immunomodulation.

Also, banana pulp contains:

  • Tryptophan is an aromatic alpha-amino acid that helps to normalize sleep, reduce anxiety, eliminate fear and tension, reduce the manifestation of PMS symptoms, and is also used in the treatment of alcohol, drug, tobacco addiction;
  • Methionine is an essential amino acid that helps to normalize fat metabolism and reduce cholesterol in the body;
  • Lysine is an essential aliphatic amino acid that has an antiviral effect, helps maintain energy levels, normalizes heart function, participates in collagen formation and tissue repair, and lowers triglyceride (fat) levels in the blood.

The calorie content of a banana reaches 96 calories per 100g of fresh fruit. The weight of one fruit in the peel reaches 150-180g, but the mass fraction of the pulp does not exceed 110g. The calorie content of a banana varies depending on the ripeness stage of the fruit and the type in which the banana is consumed. So, the calorie content of a ripe fresh banana reaches 111 calories, the calorie content of a green banana on average reaches 108 calories, while the calorie content of a dried banana reaches 290-310 calories per 100g of product. Some varieties of bananas are used boiled or fried. In this case, the calorie content of the fruit will completely depend on the method of heat treatment, as well as other ingredients that make up the dish. The calorie content of banana chips reaches 480 calories. Is it possible with such a calorie content of a banana to consider this fruit dietary?

Diet bananas: how to properly include fruit in your diet?

The calorie content of 1 banana on average reaches 104-108 calories, depending on the size of the fruit and its degree of ripeness. The calorie content of a banana is high enough to be considered a dietary fruit, however, due to its composition and beneficial properties, regular consumption of bananas will help to reduce weight naturally. Consider the mechanisms of weight loss when eating bananas:

The calorie content of a banana in 100 grams is 96 kcal
The calorie content of a banana in 100 grams is 96 kcal
  • Regardless of how many calories are in a banana, daily consumption of the fruit helps to naturally cleanse the body. Bananas contain a large amount of fiber - dietary fiber that is not digested by digestive enzymes of the stomach, but can be processed by the intestinal microflora, promoting the elimination of toxins, normalizing metabolism, improving intestinal motility, thereby contributing to natural weight loss;
  • The use of bananas, the calorie content of 100 grams of which ranges from 96 to 108 calories, contributes to a longer feeling of satiety, which eliminates unnecessary snacks from the diet;
  • The vitamins and trace elements contained in bananas help to improve metabolism, break down fat deposits, which also contributes to weight loss.

Considering how many calories there are in a banana, the daily diet can include up to 3 fruits per day. However, it is necessary to introduce bananas into the diet with extreme caution. Bananas are used in mono diets lasting 3 to 7 days. The menu of such diets includes bananas from 4 pieces to 1.5 kg per day, excluding any other foods and drinks, except for purified still water and green tea. The effectiveness of banana mono-diets reaches up to 1 kg of stable weight loss per day. For the correct consolidation of the results, a comprehensive reorganization of the diet and diet is necessary.

Calorie content of 1 banana and a dietary ration for 1 day

When compiling a diet, you should consider how many calories are in a banana. The calorie content of 1 banana, as we have already said, ranges from 104-108 calories. Bananas, the calorie content of 100 grams of which depends on the degree of ripeness of the fruit, provide a sufficient level of vitamins and vital trace elements, which helps to avoid physiological and psychological stress during weight loss.

The daily dietary ration may also include boiled eggs (1 pc), whole grain bread (up to 70 g), boiled low-fat meat (up to 100 g), raw vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities. With such a diet, the number of bananas, the calorie content of 100 grams of which is equal to the calorie content of a small (up to 50g) portion of meat, must be reduced in proportion to the calorie content of the introduced products.

The calorie content of banana chips reaches 480 calories per 100g of the product, which automatically excludes this product from the diet. However, crispy banana slices will become an indispensable product for those who cannot imagine their diet without sweets. The calorie content of banana chips is equal to the calorie content of potato chips, but banana slices contain much more nutrients than thin slices of fried potatoes.

Bananas are an excellent dietary supplement to effectively manage hunger. Eating bananas on a daily basis promotes natural cleansing of the body and helps relieve stress from dietary restrictions.

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