Milk with banana for cough: recipes, benefits, rules of use
The content of the article:
- What are the benefits of banana milk for cough treatment?
- Contraindications
Milk with banana cough: recipes
- Chocolate banana milk
- Banana cocktail
- Banana milk with butter
- Banana, milk, plantain
- Banana mint milk
- Video
Milk with banana cough in its action is similar to many pharmaceutical mixtures and synthetic drugs, but at the same time it is devoid of any side effects. Everyone knows how quickly hot milk with honey and butter can help to cope with the symptoms of respiratory infections. Adding a ripe banana makes this drink even more potent.

Banana milk works well for dry, unproductive coughs
What are the benefits of banana milk for cough treatment?
In the treatment of seasonal colds in children and adults, alternative therapy methods are widely used. Not all of them are actually useful. But banana milk is a safe and effective remedy, it is confirmed by the reviews of many patients. Doctors explain that each ingredient in this mixture has a beneficial effect on the sick person's body.
Milk is a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains protein, fats, milk sugar, vitamins and trace elements. Milk has a softening and enveloping effect on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, reduces sore throat, suppresses dry cough, enhances secretion and liquefies bronchial mucus. Thus, milk is indicated for dry cough, but when wet, it is advisable to refrain from drinking it.
Honey is considered to be a unique product. In addition to carbohydrates, it contains over three hundred different substances: vitamins, trace elements, phytohormones. Honey has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and immunostimulating properties. It is used not only to treat colds, but also for preventive purposes to increase the body's defenses.
Banana is not just a tasty tropical fruit, due to its content of biologically active substances it is considered a real "mini-pharmacy". The benefits of banana in the treatment of cough is due to the content of the plant alkaloid - ephedrine. Under the influence of ephedrine, the swelling of the mucous membrane is reduced and bronchial spasm is eliminated, which improves air exchange in the lungs, reduces the severity of shortness of breath and the intensity of cough. Ephedrine, in addition, has a mild suppressive effect on the cough center and at the same time does not inhibit the activity of the respiratory center.
It has been proven that the use of bananas promotes the production of serotonin in the human body, a substance that improves mood. Physiologists call it the pleasure hormone. During an illness, a person becomes irritable, gets tired quickly, he develops indifference to his surroundings. Bananas, on the other hand, allow you to cope with this despondency, thereby creating the prerequisites for accelerating recovery.
Traditional medicine recommends including milk with a banana in the complex therapy of not only colds, but also bronchitis, pneumonia. It can be drunk in order to increase immunity and prevent respiratory diseases, as soon as the cold begins to set in, and we often begin to catch colds.
It is also important that children drink this medicinal drink with pleasure. Indeed, as he grows up, the child begins to realize that the drugs given to him often have a bitter taste and categorically refuses to take them. But milk and banana have a familiar and familiar taste for him, and therefore he is happy to drink a glass of warm banana milk at night.
Any drug, including those related to traditional medicine, has not only its indications for use, but also contraindications. Banana milk should not be given to children or adults if:
- cough accompanied by profuse sputum;
- intolerance to milk sugar (lactose);
- individual intolerance to milk, honey or bananas (food allergy);
- gallbladder disease;
- tendency to increased thrombosis (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis);
- acidity gastritis and gastric ulcer.
For children under one year old, pediatricians do not recommend giving whole cow's milk, since the casein protein it contains is poorly digested in the baby's stomach. Therefore, it is not recommended to use banana milk for cough at this age (only on the advice of a doctor).
Another contraindication to the use of this folk remedy is diabetes mellitus. The fact is that both bananas and honey contain large amounts of easily digestible carbohydrates. Eating these foods leads to rapid and dramatic increases in blood sugar levels. In this case, patients can be advised to use not ripe, but unripe bananas and, of course, completely refuse to add honey or sugar to milk.
Milk with banana cough: recipes
There are many recipes for making banana milk. Consider the most famous of them, which have successfully proven themselves for a long time.
Chocolate banana milk
To prepare this drink you will need:
- one large banana;
- a glass of milk;
- 1 level tablespoon of cocoa powder;
- 1-2 teaspoons of honey or sugar.

Both adults and children love to take chocolate banana milk
Banana must be peeled and kneaded with a fork until it becomes a homogeneous gruel. Add cocoa powder to it and stir until smooth. Pour in cold milk and bring to a boil. Cool to a comfortable temperature for consumption, add honey. Take just before bed. The course of treatment is recommended for 5-7 days.
Banana cocktail
This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to make a cough drink. In a blender, grind one large banana and add a glass of warm boiled milk to the resulting puree. Beat until foamy. Add sugar or honey to taste if necessary. It is necessary to take this remedy every 3-4 hours, 35-80 ml (the dose depends on the patient's age).
Banana milk with butter
In cases where a dry cough is caused by a sore throat, milk with banana and butter has a good effect. It should be prepared immediately before use. Mash one banana until puree. Then you need to gradually pour it with hot milk and whip with a mixer or whisk. Add a teaspoon of butter. Drink milk with butter and banana 1-2 times a day. The warmth of this drink will warm the throat, and the oil coats the mucous membrane, which leads to getting rid of a dry cough.
Banana, milk, plantain
This recipe is only suitable for patients over 12 years of age. To prepare an antitussive drug, it is necessary to grind one banana and add a glass of warm boiled milk, a tablespoon of honey and 15 ml of plantain extract to the resulting gruel. It is taken every 2-3 hours, 25-30 ml.
Banana mint milk
This recipe, like the previous one, is only intended for children over 12 years old and adults. To make banana-mint milk you will need:
- one ripe banana;
- 10 ml mint tincture;
- a glass of warm milk;
- 50 g of honey.

Banana-mint milk, in addition to antitussive, also has a mild sedative effect
Use a blender to chop the banana and add the mint tincture, honey and milk to this puree. Beat everything well.
Milk with banana and mint not only has a quick and strong antitussive effect, but also soothes the nervous system and improves sleep. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it half an hour before going to bed.
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Elena Minkina Doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator About the author
Education: graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute, specializing in general medicine in 1991. Repeatedly passed refresher courses.
Work experience: anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the city maternity complex, resuscitator of the hemodialysis department.
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