
Sausage is a type of food. It is minced meat (from one or more types of meat) placed in an oblong casing.
Depending on the manufacturing technology and the raw materials used, all sausages are divided into blood, liver pate, smoked (uncooked smoked), semi-smoked and boiled. Usually, lean meat, fat, spices and salt are used to make sausages. In recent years, many manufacturers have added vegetable fats to sausage meat instead of lard rich in saturated fatty acids. This increases the beneficial properties of the sausage.
To increase the protein content in minced meat, eggs, milk proteins, whole milk or animal blood plasma are added to it. In order to improve the taste of sausages, garlic, onion, caraway seeds, coriander, cardamom, nutmeg, pepper (allspice, black, red), and sometimes also Madeira or cognac are used.
Calorie sausage
Different types of sausages contain different amounts of nutrients and have different calories:
- Cooked sausages contain 20-30% fat and 10-15% protein. Their energy value is from 200 to 300 kcal per 100 g of product;
- Cooked-smoked sausage - calorie content of 100.0 g of this product is from 350 to 410 kcal. Cooked-smoked sausage contains about 17% protein and about 40% fat;
- Raw smoked sausages are considered one of the most delicious and nutritious. They contain 15 to 30% protein and up to 57% fat. The calorie content of the sausage is from 350 to 580 kcal for every 100.0 g of the product.
Sausage benefits: truth or myth?
It would be possible to talk about the benefits of sausage in human nutrition only if these products were made from high-quality meat and natural spices. But after all, a huge number of all kinds of enhancers of taste, smell, color are added to modern sausage. Many of them pose a huge health hazard. As a result, excessive consumption of sausage in food can provoke the development of various diseases (gout, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary heart disease) lead to dysfunctions of the liver and kidneys, and some of the preservatives even have the ability to cause the formation of cancer cells in the human body.

Besides, sausage contains a lot of fat. This is also far from the most useful sausage property, because excessive consumption of fats leads to obesity, the development of hypertension, the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, i.e. to the development of atherosclerosis.
How to choose the right sausage?
The most useful sausage is considered to be a sausage made from turkey meat. This is due to the fact that it contains the minimum amount of fat and spices.
When choosing a sausage, pay special attention to its color. The pinker it is, the more sodium nitrite solution was added to the minced meat by the manufacturer. In small quantities, this substance does not cause significant harm to the human body, but the same cannot be said about large doses of nitrates!
Sausages are perishable. Therefore, when buying them, you should always be interested in the shelf life of the product. If the date of manufacture and expiration date is not indicated on the label, then you should refuse to purchase this sausage.
You should also ask about the calorie content of the purchased sausage, as well as the fat content in it. It is advisable to choose low-calorie varieties.
Useful properties of sausage are available only in products manufactured in full compliance with GOST. However, these products are very expensive, sometimes even more expensive than premium meat. And for the rest of the sausages, the benefits and harms are incomparable! Therefore, it is better to refuse from eating them, and especially in large quantities, and replace the sausage with natural meat.
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