Kashasa - Useful Properties And Contraindications

Kashasa - Useful Properties And Contraindications
Kashasa - Useful Properties And Contraindications


Cashasa is a national Brazilian drink made by distilling fermented sugarcane juice.

Kashasa - the national Brazilian drink
Kashasa - the national Brazilian drink

The cachasa drink is known for its strong aroma, which is preserved due to the fact that only one distillation of cane extract is done during the production process.

Withstand kasha for at least six months, only after that it can be bottled. Although unseasoned kasha is also available for purchase. It is called "white" and is used mainly for making cocktails. The drink that is prepared according to the rules is called "golden" or "dark" and belongs to the premium class.

The strength of the drink is 39-40 degrees. Sometimes it can reach 54 degrees.

They produce kasha at home and industrial conditions.

Most often, industrial cachas is on sale, for export, but true connoisseurs prefer a drink prepared at home, because it is distilled in small quantities, using old recipes and adding wheat bran or grain, soybeans, rice, corn flour to the cane.

Do not confuse cachaça with rum - this drink is produced in a similar way, but the cane extract is distilled several times. In addition, when making rum, a secondary fraction is used - black molasses, and not pure juice.

They drink Kashasa either neat or with lime or sugar cane.

The calorie content of porridge is 225 calories.

Useful properties of Kashasa

The strength of the drink can be compared with the strength of vodka, therefore, when consumed internally and externally, cachaza also exhibits antiseptic properties.

Wellness tinctures can be prepared on the basis of the drink. For example, in case of impaired metabolism, problems with the nervous system, general lethargy, a tonic tincture can help, which includes crushed unpeeled oranges (500 gr.), Cachaça (500 ml), sugar (1 kg). The components are mixed and boiled a little. After cooling, the product is ready for use. Drink 50 ml of tincture once a day.

If there are problems with blood pressure, a tincture made from unpeeled green walnuts (100 pieces), sugar (800 gr.), Cachassas (1000 ml) will help restore it. Prepare the product like this: cut the nuts into four parts, cover them with sugar, add porridge, and then put them in a dark place for 2 weeks. It is advisable to shake the container with the tincture periodically, every other day. They drink the product strained, 3-8 teaspoons a day, in 3-4 doses, before meals. The tincture will also be useful for those who want to cleanse the liver and intestines, and prevent memory problems. If desired, honey can be used instead of sugar.

Drink cachaça with lime
Drink cachaça with lime

It is important to observe the indicated dosages of tinctures, because if exceeded, they can aggravate the problem, and not eliminate or prevent it.


Kashasa is a fairly strong drink, so it is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, women who are expecting a baby or breastfeeding.

Kashasa is famous for the fact that the next morning after its use, if the norm was exceeded the day before, a headache is very bad. Therefore, as is the case with other types of alcohol, it is advisable not to overuse the drink. We must not forget about the possibility of developing alcohol dependence.

Kashasa irritates the gastric mucosa, so it is undesirable to drink it for those who suffer from diseases of the stomach, intestines in the chronic stage or gastrointestinal ulcer.

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