Hypohydration - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Hypohydration - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Hypohydration - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Hypohydration (hypohydratatio; Greek hypo- - under, decrease, insufficiency + hydōr - water, liquid; synonyms: dehydration, hypohydria) - decrease in the level of water in the body.

Types of hypohydration:

  • extracellular (extracellularis): hypohydration of the extracellular space of the body due to increased excretion of water through the kidneys or its movement into cells;
  • intracellular (intracellularis): characterized by a decrease in the water content in the cells; it is noted with its increased release or insufficient intake into the body, retention of salts during the course of hyperaldosteronism, etc.;
  • hyperosmotic (hyperosmotica): characterized by an increase in the osmotic pressure of physiological fluids and arising against the background of a reduced loss of salts in comparison with the loss of water;
  • hypoosmotic (hypoosmotica): characterized by a decrease in the osmotic pressure of physiological fluids and arising against the background of an increased loss of salts in comparison with the loss of water.

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