Gynecology - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Gynecology - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Gynecology - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:



Gynecology (Greek gyne, gynaikos - woman + Greek logos - doctrine, science) is a section of clinical medicine that studies the physiology of the female reproductive system and its diseases, and develops methods for their diagnosis, prevention and treatment; issues related to childbirth and pregnancy are studied by obstetrics.

Types of gynecology:

  • children's - the field of gynecology, dedicated to the study of the developmental pathology and physiology of the female reproductive system in childhood and adolescence;
  • operational - the field of gynecology, dealing with the indications and technique of surgical interventions, methods of preoperative and postoperative management in diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • endocrinological - the field of gynecology, which studies the role of neuroendocrine regulation of the activity of the female body, as well as the significance of its disorders in the formation of diseases of the female reproductive system, and creates methods for their treatment and prevention.

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