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About gynecology


Gynecology literally means "the science of women." This is a field of medicine dealing with the problems of the female reproductive system. And although there are generally no unimportant and secondary directions in medicine, still gynecology is one of the most important and necessary, because not only she, but also her child depends on the health of the female reproductive sphere, and in a global sense, future generations.

The health of the female reproductive system is laid even in childhood. Teenage girls are especially vulnerable in this regard, since during this period hormonal changes in the body take place. Inflammatory diseases of the appendages of the uterus in adolescent girls, which, alas, have become too frequent, are very dangerous, since they can lead to irreversible changes, and subsequently to infertility. Children's gynecology deals with diseases of the reproductive system of girls and adolescents.

A woman's health depends on many factors: on genetic characteristics, on the conditions in which the reproductive system developed, on the state of the immune system, and on how seriously the woman herself takes it. The peculiarity of the female genital area is that it works in a special, cyclical mode. This rhythm is set by hormones, so gynecology is directly related to endocrinology. This is a close and direct relationship, since the state of the endocrine glands that secrete female sex hormones also depends on the health of the internal genital organs.

The next feature of the female reproductive system is its sensitivity to pathological changes in the body. Therefore, gynecologists insist on periodic preventive examinations. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist at least once a year, provided that the woman is not worried about anything. Of course, with the existing signs of diseases, this should be done more often.

Modern gynecology has a significant arsenal of tools that can cure the vast majority of the so-called "female diseases". Even malignant tumors of the uterus and its appendages are now being successfully treated. An important and often decisive moment is a timely visit to a doctor. For example, cervical cancer, being caught at an early stage of development, is cured in 95% of cases, and at the current stage of the development of gynecology this can be done using sparing, organ-preserving methods.

Gynecology is what precedes pediatrics, every woman needs to remember this.

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