Thalassotherapy Procedures - Reviews, Indications

Thalassotherapy Procedures - Reviews, Indications
Thalassotherapy Procedures - Reviews, Indications


Thalassotherapy with seaweed
Thalassotherapy with seaweed

Thalassotherapy is a complex of procedures based on the use of sea water, mud, silt, algae and air for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

For the first time, the term thalassotherapy was introduced by the French physician de La Bonnardier in 1867, however, the Englishmen became the founders of sea therapy. Physician Richard Russell from Great Britain, in his dissertation, written in 1753, highlighted the benefits of seawater in the treatment of gout. After them, outstanding doctors, scientists and physiologists of world renowned their works on thalassotherapy, recognizing the high therapeutic value of not only sea water, but also the totality of all other factors of sea treatment.

The main components of the therapeutic and prophylactic effects of thalassotherapy are:

  • Sea water;
  • Seaweed;
  • Sea mud;
  • Air.

Thalassotherapy treatments: sea water treatment

Sea water is the richest source of essential trace elements: magnesium, iodine, calcium, potassium, sulfur, copper, iron, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, bromine, manganese and many others. It has been scientifically proven that the active components contained in sea water are absorbed by the body almost completely due to the fact that its mineral composition is almost identical to the composition of human blood plasma. At the same time, the human body has a unique ability to "take" from sea water exactly those trace elements that it needs at the moment.

It is believed that, in comparison with fresh, sea water increases the metabolic function of the skin by more than 25%, having a reflex effect on the functions of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and gonads. Physical muscular work during swimming or gymnastic exercises enhances the oxidative processes occurring in the tissues, while the combustion of sugar and fat sharply increases, urine output increases, and blood circulation is restored. This function of sea water allows you to quickly get rid of fat and cellulite, making the skin more elastic and smooth.

Swimming in seawater, as part of thalassotherapy, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, develops the musculoskeletal system, and speeds up metabolism. Swimming loads are especially indicated for untrained people with postural disorders, pronounced signs of hypodynamia, as well as for weakened patients.

Algae treatment

Algae is the main link in thalassotherapy, containing more than 150 trace elements useful for human health. The use of seaweed thalassotherapy in practice plays a key role in preventive medicine and cosmetology.

Seaweed (according to reviews, crushed algae and leafy sea kelp are used in thalassotherapy) have a double effect on the human body:

  • Promote the elimination of fatty deposits, toxins, toxins and excess fluid;
  • Enrich the skin with nourishing ingredients.

As a result of this thalassotherapy procedure, swelling goes away, the volume of the body is noticeably reduced, acquiring a tightened silhouette, the visible manifestations of stretch marks and cellulite are reduced, and general well-being improves.

Treatment with seaweed is indispensable not only in cosmetology, allowing you to effectively deal with age-related skin changes, but also as a rehabilitation therapy after injuries, operations (including plastic ones), and childbirth.

Algae wraps are the standard thalassotherapy offered by most spas.

Treatment with sea mud

The therapeutic effect of such a thalassotherapy procedure as mud therapy is achieved due to the high therapeutic activity of the biogenic components that are part of the peloids (mud sediments): nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, and iron compounds.

Thalassotherapy with sea mud
Thalassotherapy with sea mud

The use of sea mud is advisable for many otorhinolaryngological, eye, surgical and skin diseases, however, thalassotherapy with mud has found the most widespread use in cosmetology. The mineral composition of sea mud improves blood circulation in the skin, penetrating deep into the pores and cleaning them from the inside. Cosmetic procedures based on mud masks and wraps help in the fight against stretch marks, "orange peel", excess weight and signs of premature skin aging.

Indications for thalassotherapy

Thalassotherapy, according to patients' reviews, is a set of pleasant health-improving and prophylactic procedures prescribed for both absolutely healthy people and patients with full compensatory capabilities of the body for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory, nervous, endocrine systems, and musculoskeletal system.

Such a thalassotherapy procedure as mud therapy allows you to get rid of inflammatory gynecological diseases, disorders associated with a reduced level of sex hormones (hypoestrogenism), adhesions of the pelvic organs, ovarian failure, tubal infertility.

Thalassotherapy results are:

  • Moisturizing and restoring the skin;
  • Elimination of excess weight and cellulite;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • Improvement of metabolic processes, restoration of blood circulation;
  • Positive effect on the nervous system, stress resistance, sleep recovery.

Contraindications to thalassotherapy

The reviews for thalassotherapy indicate the following contraindications for sea therapy:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Lung inflammation, pleurisy, bronchopneumonia;
  • Active tuberculosis;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Angina pectoris, violation of cardiac compensation, atrial fibrillation, mitral stenosis;
  • Severe atherosclerosis;
  • Extreme exhaustion of the body;
  • A disorder of thyroid function;
  • Allergy to iodine.

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