Cosmetic procedures for feet

When we talk about what should be cosmetic procedures for the skin of the face, body or hair, we mean mainly the visual appeal of the body. Because a woman neglects hygienic cosmetics, say, for the face, she will not get sick, her face simply will not be well-groomed, and, accordingly, her appearance will suffer. In the case of cosmetic procedures for the feet, it is primarily about their health, and only then about beauty. Taking care of your feet is a necessity that contributes to their health, since a person's feet experience the greatest physical stress, and constantly.
There are the following cosmetic procedures for the feet:
- pedicure, which includes treating the foot, removing the thickened stratum corneum of the heels, and treating toenails;
- epilation;
- procedures aimed at improving blood circulation in the legs;
- procedures for the skin of the legs above the foot.
Pedicure and beauty treatments to improve blood circulation in the legs are crucial for leg health, so let's dwell on them in more detail.
Pedicure sessions should be done at least once a month, and in the summer, when open shoes are worn, once every two weeks. Otherwise, a thick layer of keratinized cells builds up on the heels, due to which painful cracks form. This is especially pronounced in people with dry skin, as well as in those with diabetes. Cracks cause severe pain when walking, which affects the quality of life, but the danger is also that they are the entrance gate of infection. Timely and regular toenail care is also important to prevent ingrown toenail formation. Everything that has been said about cracked heels is also true for ingrown nails - painful and fraught with infection.
Cosmetic procedures that improve blood circulation in the legs prevent varicose veins, the most common vascular disease. These cosmetic procedures include

foot baths with essential oils and herbs, massage, body wraps using products that have a tonic effect on the subcutaneous capillaries.
Do not forget about these cosmetic procedures if you want your legs to never hurt and less tired. And if you add aesthetic to the wellness cosmetic procedures, then your legs will delight you and those around you with their beauty all your life, which is impossible without health.
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