6 Interesting Facts About Thread Lifting

6 Interesting Facts About Thread Lifting
6 Interesting Facts About Thread Lifting

6 interesting facts about thread lifting

Aging is a natural and inevitable process. Over time, our skin loses its elasticity, sagging forms on it, the oval of the face loses its former clarity. The thread lifting procedure (thread lift) can successfully solve this problem. In order to better get to know this popular procedure, we will tell you 6 cognitive facts about it.

Thread lifting: features and safety of the procedure
Thread lifting: features and safety of the procedure

Fact number 1. Thread lifting is a non-surgical procedure

Despite the fact that the thread lifting procedure involves the introduction of special cosmetic threads under the skin, it is low-traumatic and does not require serious surgical intervention. The threads are inserted under the skin with the help of special guide needles through small punctures, and the procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia.

Fact number 2. The threads are absorbed over time in the body

Gone are the days of non-absorbable threads that remain in tissues forever and require surgical removal. Today manufacturers offer resorbable threads, which are absorbed in tissues within 1–1.5 years. You will find these from the Italian company Promoitalia - it produces Dermafil Happy Lift absorbable caprolactone threads with notches along the entire length. Thanks to the notches, the threads are firmly fixed in the skin tissues, form the necessary tension and prevent the tissues from moving.

Fact number 3. Threads are absolutely safe

Of course, the quality of the threads directly depends on their manufacturer. So, the Italian threads Dermafil Happy Lift threads are thoroughly tested even at the production stage, each of them is placed in a separate sterile package. The material from which Dermafil threads are made is also safe - caprolactone. It does not cause an allergic reaction, has been used in surgery for many years and has proven to be absolutely safe.

Fact number 4. Thread lifting tackles a wide range of aesthetic problems of the face and body

Not everyone knows that thread lifting is carried out not only to tighten the face oval, but also to solve many other aesthetic problems. So, in the line of caprolactone threads Dermafil Happy Lift, in addition to classic threads for lifting and reinforcing the face, there is Nose thread for non-surgical remodeling of the shape of the nose, Boca thread for correcting the area around the lips and Vaginal Narrower thread for strengthening the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the perineum.

Fact number 5. The effect of the thread lifting lasts for a long time

One thread lift procedure will make you 5 years younger and maintain the result for the next few years. This is due to the fact that while the threads are in the tissues, they stimulate the active process of collagen formation in the tissues, due to which a natural framework is formed that maintains the elasticity and elasticity of the tissues. After the threads in the tissues are absorbed, the framework remains. Thus, the overall effect of thread tightening lasts for several years.

How long does the effect of thread lifting last?
How long does the effect of thread lifting last?

Fact number 6. Thread lift does not require a long rehabilitation period

Since the thread lifting procedure is non-traumatic, it does not require a long rehabilitation period. The effect will be visible immediately after the insertion of the threads, you will notice the maximum result in 2-3 weeks. During the first week, there may be slight swelling, swelling or bruising on the skin at the site of the skin puncture; it is also recommended to limit mimic activity for 2 weeks. After 1-2 months at the site of insertion of threads, you can carry out cosmetic procedures - peeling, hardware and injection procedures.

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